My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What captures your heart?

Once again I've been made to write for my Honors English class. I particulary enjoyed this prompt and skipped around for a whole day and 1/2 just thinking about how I was going to respond:

"there are a few rules I know to be true about love and marraige: If you don't respect the other person, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. If you don't know how to compromise, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. If you can't talk openly about what goes on between you, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. And if you don't have a common set of values in life, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. Your values must be alike." (Morrie 149) -Tuesdays With Morrie

In an informal journal, respond to what Morrie says about love and marriage. Then, describe your ideal mate: their qualities, their treatment of you, their views on life, and whatever else is important. Give examples.

[Here's what came about of roughly 45 min. at a computer and a heart beating restlessly, frantically trying to capture my hearts desires in a short couple of pages. Enjoy!]

For eighteen years of my life I have watched my parent’s relationship soar and dwindle to the point of complete extinction, only to find renewed energy and faith, continuing on together. Lacking communication and respect in a relationship is a recipe for disaster. Marriage is supposedly set upon a foundation of truth and trust. How do we gain the trust of one another? By respecting your companion and being truthful with them through communication, you establish a healthy and strong foundation for marriage. What truth is the main ingredient in a strong foundation? Values.

A principle ingredient in a successful marriage is the ability to establish common values and the ability to discuss openly your thoughts, feelings and concerns. The most important way you can show someone how much you love them, is to listen when they speak. The most important way to voice your desire to listen to one another, is to create a comfort level in which truth can be freely spoken. We must learn to care about and respect the things that bring great joy to the one we love.

I must admit that as a young girl I never had the dream of marrying a man who was tall, dark and handsome with endless pockets of wealth and a perfect crest smile. I now know that God has created a special someone for me to spend the rest of my life with. The most important and desirable quality of this man will be his love for the Lord and his willingness to follow God’s plans for his life and our relationship. He will be a man of prayer who isn’t afraid of shedding a tear or two. He’ll be tough on the outside offering protection, but he will be made of layers filled with sweetness, love and humbleness to his core. His patience will be admired and respected.

His seemingly handsome appearance will be nothing spectacular , but it will be the only one to draw my heart’s deepest attention. His smile will consume his face leaving just enough room for his twinkling, deep eyes that are watching me. His gaze will be of understanding, relentless strength and trust. In his eyes I’ll be lost, his smile stirring up mountains of joy within my spirit. In his arms I will find safety, warmth, and comfort. The gentle strokes of his work worn hands, much bigger then mine, will dry all tears away. As his hands press lovingly against my cheeks, I’ll know everything is going to be alright and he is the man I’ve waited for my entire life.

His kiss will be more incredible then anything I’ve ever experienced, for as his powerful lips press against mine, this kiss will become another loving moment, a sign of his genuine affection for me. He will stir up every butterfly that clings to my stomach and make my head buzz in giddy school girl silliness. I will feel beautiful, enjoyed, respected and blessed.

My little quirks, inabilities and struggles will become his ways of appreciating me, challenging me and encouraging me. His laughter will take captive my heart and in response my laughter will join his. He will be my teacher and I his. He will not be intimidated by my strong abilities or his weaknesses, but instead will beam with pride at my success and stand by my side through my triumphs. I will be his support, his comfort, his reason to smile after a long hard day. My hands will be lost in his and everywhere we go people will know the love we share.

At times when I tell stories or reminisce of past memories, he will listen intently as I speak, curious about my stories, my joys, my sadness. He’ll desire to know me more and more and will learn new things each day. He will marvel at my desire to learn who he is and will appreciate me for just being Christy. He will remember the little things. One line stories I share will be victorious doors he’s conquered to my heart. Our discovery of one another will be a lifetime full of experiences, struggles and victory. Our love will be forever and our time together cherished. The Lord will be center of all we do, say and decide. When we wake up in the morning, side by side, cuddled sweetly together, we’ll silently rejoice, looking deeply into one another’s eyes, at how we were brought together to share a lifetime of experiences, a journey of love and an unforgettable mountain of blessings.

When this man is found...that "special place" in my heart will belong to him and only him.

** I'd love to hear of your "ideal mate" stories. Please feel free to share. My heart skips with joy when I hear stories about falling in love and journeying and searching and finding and how awesome God works through one's life shaping, molding and creating the perfect plan, uniquely and specially made just for them (you and me). Jesus loves you, yes he does ! :) Feel much loved today...incredible even ...for the Almighty creator of the universe has granted you breath and an awakening into this new day! Go live!


Rachelle said...

Here are a few lines from your post that really struck me:
"...he will be made of layers filled with sweetness, love and humbleness to his core."
"His laughter will take captive my heart..."

So good, Christy. So good.

I, unlike you, was the little girl who DID dream of marrying a man who was tall, dark and handsome with endless pockets of wealth and a perfect crest smile. Okay. Maybe not the wealth and perfect smile part...

I remember dreaming about my future husband at the age of 10...and I would never see his face. Ever. I only remember he was tall and had dark hair. And obviously he must have been handsome, because, honestly, he would be if I married him. Haha.

God's really been taking me on an interesting journey these past few months... We, as girls, tend to obsess a little too much over our future husbands and how the whole wedding thing will go.
"Oh yeah, we'll be married here, and the bridesmaids will be wearing this color and... Oh! my flowers will be these... And I found this BEAUTIFUL dress... What? Who is the groom, you ask? Oh I don't know that part yet."

I mean, yes, we are females, and God did create us this way... But lately God's been like "Okay, whoa, hold on a second. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in you before you can ever begin to 'plan' these things."
A wise person once said "Right now, work on being the person you want to marry." (No, it wasn't me. I'm pretty sure that I read it in some book.) But it's so true. You want your husband to me loving? Work on becoming more loving. You want him to patient? Work on becoming more patient. He should be trusting? Then you must be trusting as well. And so on...
And we can never accomplish these "tasks", if you will, on our own. We need the strong arm of the Father leading and guiding us the whole way.

Okay. This comment is over now... Sorry that it was so long! But one last thing:
You should read "For Women Only".

Debbie said...

Christy that is the sweetest thing I've read in a really long time! I've been married going on 7 years and dated Alan for 3 prior... we've weathered a lot of storms in that time, but one thing I know is the only thing that has kept us together many times is the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling within! So I would say more than anything else in this world that potential mate MUST love Jesus above all else! If not it can't work! As for what I wanted growing up... I'm kind of wierd I never wanted to get married so I never thought much about my future husband. I did know I couldn't even date guys who wouldn't make me laugh... that's a big one for me, I love to laugh and be goofy, so I needed someone whose a bit goofy too! Hmm isn't God Cute... I think Alan is the king of Goofy... can you say wedding dancer??? Love ya Christy!

Rachelle said...

I am with you, Debbie on the whole "he has to make me laugh". :-)

christy said...

My "uncle wedding dancer" is perfect for you debbie! I love you both and his goofieness is indescribably two fit together very nicely. God is awesome!