My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mission's Week Monologue

Zachary Armand, one of my good brother-friends in Christ asked me to do a little creative writing for Mission's Week here on campus. When I started to consider what to do in light of missions, this is what came from my heart. This is a monologue that reflects the preparation stages of going on a mission's trip for 2 years (reflective of the 2+U movement), followed by thoughts while there, and closes with a second letter from the country. When I read this the Tuesday night of missions week in the chapel, no one was sheer silence as people thought. This blessed me very much. I pray your hearts are blessed as you read!

Missions Week Monologue – Bethany Bible College 2009
By: Christy L. Zbylut

Scene #1

I never thought this day would come. I’ve never been one to make hasty decisions and I know this journey has been in the making from the very beginning of my life. I never knew that committing my life to do God’s work would cost quite so much. I have laid aside dream after dream over the past few years only to find, they weren’t dreams at all. The funniest thing is, that as I have been obedient in turning over my dreams to Him, God has knit new dreams deep in the very core of my heart and soul. I long for and crave His presence - I desire nothing more that to live for God in everything I do. Such freedom met my heart when I gave EVERY comfortable thing in my life to Him. How could I ever live another way when I have tasted and seen the goodness of our God in response to obedience?

Blessed are these days to come - these days of hoping, waiting, learning, and loving. I am terrified about leaving, but I know I have no choice - for to disobey my God would be to forsake all that is within me. “To live is Christ and to die is gain!”

It’s tough to know what to pack when you are giving your life to go somewhere for two years - not fully aware if you’ll ever come back. Missionary work doesn’t really seem to come with a much of me desires to sell everything I own and just that I’m going I realize how wonderful this concept is - to live a live in reckless abandon to my King. you be the glory! My life is in Your hands...

Scene #2

Beloved Family,

A cruel harshness has settled upon this land. I fee as though the enemy himself has taken up residence in the government. Weary faces plague the street - anxiously I search to find even one sign of LIFE. The eyes of the people are plain and distant - how I long to see a light revived in them that has now been consumed with darkness.

Things are not as I expected them to be - when I arrived there was great unrest in the city. Rebel soldiers are constantly on the watch and I have been informed that having a white woman in the village only adds to the stress. Though we cannot yet speak, my heart grows fonder of these people each day. Truly God longs for their souls to dwell with Him in eternity - but such hurt, loss, anger and loneliness have blinded them to the truth.

Years of turmoil have ravaged this country. For the safety of my hosts I cannot inform you of whom I am staying with. Please be in prayer for my original host family - their boldness on my behalf and for the sake of God’s glory have shaken my heart.

Just prior to my arrival, my intended hosts had their home raided by rebels looking for ‘the white woman’. A neighbor saw this take place and hurried to intersect my journey to the village. My hosts and their three little boys refused to reveal when or where I’d be arriving. This angered the rebels - and though I’d love to spare your hearts from the knowledge of such gruesome behaviors as those found in this country - I cannot - for I long for you to understand the power of our great God in the midst of the most painful of circumstances. I also long for you to know His love at greater depth than ever before - to know WHY we are to serve Him in JOY and PAIN.

My hosts were beaten by the rebels, their home was plundered and the man was taken by the rebels for further interrogation. Their neighbor helped me find a cousin of his - who agreed to care for me just outside the city. Sometimes I wonder if these people are crazy or not, risking their very lives to save mine - and all because we love Christ and the government does not. I feel so unworthy of being here - but I trust God has a purpose in my going and a purpose in my coming - for this reason I shall stand upon the Rock - when all around my soul gives way -He then is all my hope and stay.

Pray too for my new host family. They have four little ones 1, 3,6, and 8. They are precious and so much of me wants to feel guilty. For now all I can do is show these loving people Christ’s love and to try my best in communicating the Gospel truth to those chained in darkness. I trust the Spirit of God is communicating on a much deeper level than what my abilities have allowed me,

I love you all so very much - I must close this letter now in saying - there is rumor of a rebel raid tonight in the village. My host family is taking me to the mountains to care for the little ones. We must begin our journey at sundown. Traveling in the dark will be very difficult, but if we were to leave mid-day suspicions would rise in regards to where the ‘white woman’ is going. Everyday is such a risk for me - the rebels wish to destroy me - along with all those who believe the Truth like us. We may be few - but we are mighty by the power of God!

Mom, Dad, if we are never again to meet face to face - remember what we are called to - to love the unloved, to follow God at all costs, wherever He leads. I feel like you’ve always known this about me - my time IS short - maybe that’s why Daddy was so against my going at first. Rest assured that this is my plea “My life for the Gospel!”. I still remember your smiles and I dearly hope to see you again. If not in this lifetime, I anticipate rejoicing with you once again in eternity! Promise that you’ll continue God’s work when I’m gone - there is no better life - no greater joy! I LOVE YOU!

Scene #3

Dearest ones,

If you are reading this letter I anticipate you are doing so with tears, smiles, and probably lots of questions for if anyone is to read this letter it would only mean that I have encountered some circumstance that claimed my life and have gone to be with the Lord. Please, let your questions not be channeled in anger toward our God. Please TRUST the will of our Father - trust that my passing was not in vain and let there be celebration - after all, I know my soul is at rest.

I know you are all probably wondering how I went. I wish I could tell you - but God has given me no such revelation in regards to how I shall go. You are likely wondering if my passing was peaceful and sweet - I think you and I both know the likelihood of that in this part of the country would be rare. I do trust however, that regardless of whatever torture or brutality has crossed my path, that the light, peace, and joy of Christ will have surrounded me - much like Stephen when he was stoned.

I never knew when God called me to be a missionary what that could look like - and I know many times Daddy you were disappointed when I wasn’t bringing home the ideal paycheck like most of my high school friends. I know you felt ashamed at first when the town gossip couldn’t make enough cuts at how crazy and ridiculous I was being. I know your hearts broke when my fiancĂ©e and I decided to postpone our wedding to complete our two year commitment to the unreached people of our world. Mom, I know you wanted grandchildren and how cautious you wished I was when it came to adventuring with the Lord, but if you believe nothing else in this letter, believe this one thing - I have sought to love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength - and though my life was never what you may have dreamed for me from the time I was a child - though safety and plenty may never be my boast - I have truly lived for I have lived for Christ!

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