My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, January 18, 2010

preparing to worship

Worship has been at the forefront of my mind for the last season of time.
Opportunities to praise the Lord and "Bless the Lord at all times" have not been limited - that's for sure.
Each day the mercies of the Lord are new, and He deserves our praise - regardless of our circumstances, feelings, or opinions.
He is always worthy.

I think sometimes that's a difficult concept to grab ahold of and actually implement in our lives.
Surprisingly enough, worship is not just getting together to sing a bunch of songs - worship is to be a LIFESTYLE.
Our worship is to be a part of every breath, glance, thought, movement, and choice throughout our day.
Hum....that's a bit scary. That would mean that when my glances, thoughts, movements, or choices aren't to the glory of God, or offered as a sacrifice of worship to Him -- perhaps sometimes they are tainted? defiled? broken? tattered? downright ugly? bruised? not the best of the best I have to give?

God is a jealous Lover - and His demand is not a portion of our hearts, nor even an element. Rather - His desire is for the whole. C.S. Lewis wrote in his book A Plain Account of Christian Perfection that "it is an absolutely impossibility to be half Christian, for the call and even definition of a true Christian is to be ALL devoted to God, to give Him all my soul, my body, and my substance." Yes, that means everything, even the things that hurt, or we love more than anything else - He wants it all - He wants us all: body, soul, and substance. Wow!

With many 'worship opportunities' on the horizon (and I even hesitate to call them that, because it is my greatest desire that my life flow out of worship to my King, my Lover, my Savior, the One to whom all praise is due) --- In the midst of this season I find myself asking a lot of questions - and really discovering the true power and drive behind my voice and craving to exalt the Lord through music, dance, speaking, teaching, and even laughing. Yes, laughter can be an offering of worship. Why not? "The JOY of the Lord is my strength!" and "He has made me glad! Rejoice!"

Tonight I found a thought that both affirmed some things I have felt led to do in this season of preparation, and also challenged me like a two-by-four in the knee caps, for the sheer temptation to feel shame for not acting on these motivations sooner. The thought, from The Upward Call explains our preparation for worship like this: " The failure to prepare heart and mind and body for worship is to render oneself tone deaf to the things of the Spirit". I have to admit, that one stung a little...but I feel encouraged to press on.

To close these brief thoughts on worship and being wholly prepared to go before the Lord. One of my brothers Elijah shared this song with me a few weeks ago and it has tugged at something in the depths of my heart. God bless!

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