My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

boo-hoo i've got the flu

Tis' flu season and all through the house not a creature was sneezing, not even a mouse...

Unfortunately this was the truth yesterday and many days before then, but this morning I awoke with a sore throat, better yet a Chorale members worst nightmare. With tour coming soon I keep praying for strength to press through, for strength to endure and survive 10 days of intense singing and worshipping of the Lord. Sickness is not something I would like distracting from the ministry at hand. However, I am a feeble being and very much capable of and suseptible to diseases and disorders of not so good I caught the flu.

I shrugged off the sore throat this morning with a heaping bowl of healthy cereal and promised myself I'd get better.

Dad took me out to lunch this afternoon and after consuming a pill to either cure or prevent the flu, which mom had sent home from the ER in a rush...I was a little dizzy, lightheaded and nauseaus. Sherri was at home resting after being diagnosed with the flu, and after a yummy luncheon at Gov's and a painfully dizzy ride home from Presque Isle I excused myself to the restroom where I proceeded to return all consumed food from lunchtime yesterday to this afternoon's milkshake.

I dislike being sick very much and am certain that the only good thing about throwing up is that it empties your belly and lessens the queeziness. God was pretty creative in how He made our bodies with the ability to remove unnecessary, or unwanted substances from our bodies, even if by way of sickness like the flu.

Tis' flu season...and unfortunately I must pay the price of missing an evening service at one of my favorite places in the world, PIWC, so as not to contaminate those I love.

My belly is blah.
My mind is bored.
My heart is thankful for rest, even if it has come in the form of sickness.


The Ramos Family said...

Oh, Christy, I hope you feel better soon. The flue has gone through Manny's playgroup and finally hit him and I last week, not fun. Feel better soon!

Elizabeth said...

Awwww....feel better, Christy!