Today I sit, and lingering in my heart is a familiar bearing, a romance and delight which is nothing short of indescribable. Mine eyes hold back unexplainable tears of joy, thanks, overwhelming repentance - and the sweet voice of Yahweh calls me.
Closing my eyes I breathe - I can sense Him. My very being longs for His touch and He is near. Oh blessed season of suffering and dryness - of thirst and hunger - failure and trudging - He remains - sure I may not always have a strong sense of His nearness, but as my aunt once told me: "Sometimes when God appears to be silent and you feel as though He is not near, He is preparing you for something."
I know He never left me - He was always here, but oh today, the blessed overwhelming fragrance of Yahweh I have been longing for, floods my soul - it quenches my thirst and fills my cup overflowing. He is my Portion, my Strength, my Shield, Deliverer, my Shelter, Strong Tower and very present Help in time of need.
Breathe my friends - breathe deep - do you sense Him? He is near.
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