My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

an 'indulging' weekend...

First of all this word makes me think of the film about Martin Luter and all the crazy priests who tried to convince people purchasing pieces of paper, and other various "religious" whatnot (indulgences) would somehow buy their way and others ways into Heaven. They were wrong...and this isn't a good idea. reminds me of the word "hedonism" which someone drafted in my original support letter to Jamaica.( I know, I know, what were they thinking?) Trust me, this word just recently became part of my vocabulary. Seeing the word and realizing I had no idea what it meant my apartment mates and I looked it up to find it means "self-indulging" essentially, another not so good thing.

LASTLY...and my original purpose for this blog...the word "indulging" reminds me of last night...and a trip to the grocery store with my sister Sherri (we were attempting to find something extra delicious to mix up in honor of my return home after final exams). This is how our adventure went:

Christy and Sherri stand around in the baking aisle weighing up options.
"Brownie ala mode or cookie ala mode?"
"Browinie ala mode!"
Choosing of the icecream...
Wait for turn in check-out line.
(now this is where things get interesting)

The cashier rings us up and doesn't say two words to me, so I say "hello, how are you?" He looks into my eyes for a few seconds and a little distracted says, "Sorry, well. I'm doing well. I assume you're doing well as well. So you're having an indulging weekend I see?"

(a glimpse inside Christy's mind) "Pardon me...a what? what in the world is this guy...ooh he didn't...talking about???"

Of course I never voice my sarcastic thoughts so I politely said, "No actually, I just got home so we're making dinner and dessert." (Thinking of course "Like any other normal person buying brownies and icecream in line!!! Indulging? Really?"...since when do guys assume a woman is indulging herself because she purchases a little junk food?)

As soon as we left the store I voiced my thoughts to Sherri and she decided we were on the same page. Her comments at the time made me chuckle. We gave a unanimous vote that he should work at McDonalds and ask people if they are indulging themselves there. (I'm sure it'd be an interesting career move for him.) All I can say is I'm thankful I wasn't offended, otherwise, I probably couldn't see the humor in this. Also, for all you who are wondering, next time I decided to buy icecream and he's working...I'll try my best to go through his check-out line.

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