My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, July 13, 2009

beautiful movement

It amazes me how easily little ones capture our hearts with their smiles, hugs, and cuddliness. One of my favorite groups to work with here at Hephzibah is the 5-6 year olds. Both groups (boys and girls), have little ones in them who are special to my heart. I have recently noticed the great lengths of growth they have had over the last seven weeks of summer – growing from shy to more outgoing, hesitant to bold, and uneasy to trusting. Granted these changes have not been blatant nor cold turkey, however, they have been a gradual, blessed, sweet process. Each week of loving on these little boys and girls as individuals – showing them their uniqueness and special qualities God has made them with has allowed for many open, trusting doors in their lives.

I think this is important to recognize because there is nothing yet at camp, which I have found to be more precious than the excitement of little ones to see you – their beaming smiles, open arms, and mouths full of stories to tell about their families, vacations, pets, or whatever else is presently important to them. It is heart-melting when a little one takes you by the hand and jumping up and down squeals, “Miss Christy! Are you going to be with us!?” or when they crawl into your lap during circle meets and tilt their heads to rest on your shoulder because they feel safely loved by Christ who loves them through you.

For example, one of our Hindu little girls Megha, has refused to participate in many things at camp. We had a volunteer group visit from Virginia for a week and the ladies from the group blessed us with a worship dance class for all the girls. I was able to participate with my little sister-friends, and for the most part we had a blast. Megha, however refused each day to join us. She stood, stone faced in the middle of the gym, not moving until the end of class. We tried everything – being silly, being serious, asking nicely, and dancing around her, but each time the response was the same, a big fat “NO!” – Until Friday that is.

Friday was a pivotal moment for Megha and our group. In the afternoon we had a mass dance time with all the girls groups at camp – because each group had learned a part of the song routine. We all got into place on the floor and when the music started, Miss Hannah caught my attention to tell me Megha was dancing. Furthermore, to make things even more astounding – she was doing all the right steps, yet she hadn’t busted a single dance move the entire week! I felt victory and great joy welling up in my heart. Finally, she was dancing – and to top it all off, she was smiling too.
The principle involved was one of perseverance and patience. Many may have been frustrated or even tempted to give up on this stubborn little girl, but constant encouragement, silliness, and persistence led us to a beautiful moment of growth in Megha’s life. It was a moment worth celebrating. Our dance was finally complete, when everyone participated!

Reflecting on this experience I am reminded of how “slowly” the body of Christ seems to move forward in life. Sometimes our brothers and sisters are stubborn as mules and we feel like we are talking to brick walls, or not being heard/understood – all the while, we are being tested, and choosing to wait for that beautiful moment when the stubbornness is released is so worth the battle and perseverance to get there.


Anonymous said...

Very Neat! :):):) LYD

Anonymous said...

Very Neat! :):):) LYD