My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

5 dollar faith

I love how the LORD is constantly with me in every moment of everyday and how at times when I may not feel like He's near, He shows me and points me once again to Him.

This morning I went walking with my Mommy. The sun was beginning to poke out of the graying clouds and the streets were coated with a thick layer of muddy slush. The cold winter air pelted our faces with winds that increased with every step away from home we took.

Upon reaching the middle of town Mom and I began talking about school and an up and coming spring tour I will be partaking in for our college Chorale. I am required to raise $500;$250 by January 15th and the rest by February 28th. We had an option to place the money on our student bill and I honestly considered doing so,atleast a part of it, and then to raise the rest by way of support letters. That's when my LORD spoke, clear as day, "Christy, do you only believe I can raise a part of this money? Do you not believe I can raise all of this money?" I was moved by the clarity of His voice in my heart and declined putting the money on my spring school bill. In faith I sent out support letters and now I'm waiting,waiting for the LORD to prove faithful to His promise...just as He always does.

Mom and I reflected on this encounter and Mom told me she believed that we needed to practice faith more often in our lives and to believe that God can provide. Mom glanced over at me and said "You know what Christy, you already have $150 for this trip and God will provide the rest,who knows what surprise might be awaiting you when you get back to school. God will provide."

As soon as she breathed these words, I glanced up the sidewalk to see Mr. Abe Lincoln staring up at me, beneath a coating of snow. "Money!!!!!!" I squealed. My mittened hand reached down into the snow and removed my newly found treasure...a snow-caked $5 dollar bill.

Mom's eyes grew wide and she exclaimed,"It's a sign. No worries about raising this money Christy. There's $5.00 of faith for you. Who knows how many $5.00 bills you'll happen upon to raise this money!"

Even in the little moments, when you make a commitment to walk in faith, and forget that God always provide, He shows up. I now have $155.00 towards my trip and I trust and know God has the other $345 ready for me. Why? He is faithful, always.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Over the last several weeks God has been speaking to me over and over again about faith and trusting Him with EVERYTHING! Your story is so much a testimony of the reality of that. That child like faith that makes the "grownups" think you're crazy that's the faith that makes Jesus smile! Once when Josh was about 3 months old I wouldn't have any money for a couple days and he ran out of diapers... I just said... well God it's up to you... diapers would be nice because potty training is gonna be rough! A few minutes later I was playing with the dryer at the laundry mat I was at and out fell $10.00! The exact amount needed for a bag of pampers! Thanks for the reminder Christy! I love you lots :)