My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Looking back...

Ushering in the new year has always been an adventure for me. I usually stay up late making a list of resolutions for the coming year and take time to reflect upon all that has happened that I enjoyed over the past twelve months.

This year brings to me a significantly different way of dealing with things. As I look back upon 2006 I'm overwhelmed. My times of reflection always lead to tears and awe at how my Savior, my God, Jesus Christ has so moved over the past year, 365 days...and how He continues to overwhelm me with Himself each day as I awaken.

For many another year has come and we're nearly 2 weeks started into the next. I don't know about you, but has it ever broken you to think about God's grace at work in your life? Have you thought about how different things would be without Him?

In April of 2004 my life changed forever. Walking through a summer of a broken family, divorce and every other issue that could throw in its two cents, I was broken and falling before the Creator of the universe, my Bestfriend in the wholewide world, the Lover of my soul, and pleading with Him, to take me as I am, committing to Him control of my life, plans and relationships. In September of that same year, I watched my family be put back together piece by piece by piece by piece by piece and my parents marriage restored. God remembered my commitment to Him and the adventure began. In this time, God told me He wanted me to go to a Christian college, to BBC in fact, He called me to counsel, He placed a man in my life that causes me to wonder everyday why I'm so blessed, and my family is whole.

This year...
In September I successfully began my college career at BBC, even making the Dean's List when marks closed in December. In April, my Daddy came home from Iraq...where he left just a few short months after our family was restored.

God has done so much and I am so unworthy, but these few, lifechanging events in my life, all promises from the LORD, have come to pass in this year. 2006 has been a time of faith for me...a time of growing in my dependency on the LORD to be abundant in my life, to be my provision, my guide, my greatest love and the center of my focus. He has overcome me with His goodness and most days I can't help but smile. He's taught me to trust Him, to take Him at His word and to hungrily chase Him for draw near and to go away with Him.

The words of Numbers 23:19 assure my heart of the faithful God I serve;
" God is not man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does hee speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"

1 comment:

Erskine said...

He never speaks without acting. The interesting thing to me is that His acts are rarely (if ever) for us alone. Usually, they are acts on behalf of us, the people connected to us, those connected to them, and so on - all to His glory. He deserves it!