My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

starbucks thoughts

So I've never been a big fan of coffee.
I refuse to drink it - plain and simple.
However I appreciate tea. One time in Florida a few months back I was introduced to a delicious cold concoction called a "Chai Frappuccino". It's icy, yummy and tastes, of course, like Chai Tea.
This afternoon Aisha and I adventured to Starbucks hoping to accomplish some planning work for our next camp and to find internet. It was here I invested in my second Starbucks Chai concoction ever.

Little did I know what this afternoon would bring and all because I live in Maine.Two older couples entered the store shortly after we had sat down and began planning. One asked the other, "Do you folks live in Maine?" They said no and I glanced up to find all eyes on me, "Are you from Maine dear?" they asked pointing at me. I raised my hand and proved myself guilty of the claim. I was indeed from Maine.
"We LOVE Maine!" they exclaimed, "Especially all the snow. Lots and lots of snow! We love Maine and snow! So beautiful!" This couple actually rejoiced when I told them of our 196inch snowfall this past winter. Perhaps acting as a travel agent, I for them excited to travel to New Brunswick to explore the beauty of Fundy via snowshoes.

Regardless of this intriguing conversation - it led to another unexpected conversation. Quietly, a young man had managed to slip in the chair behind where Aisha and I were sitting as we talked with the older couples. Granted, we were some the only customers and there was plenty of space, but I was thankful because after we talked to the older couple he said, "So you're from Maine?"

This began what would turn into an hour and a half conversation about life, bicycling and the world. I thoroughly appreciated it and felt blessed. This young man's name was Adam and he's been biking across the US for nearly 2 months now from Seattle, Washington. He has an estimated one month more to go until he reaches his goal or destination (somewhere between Boston and Maine). I think this adventure is amazing.

One thing he said in our conversation really stuck with me. He spoke of how he is not an ironman by any means and he didn't train extensively for this adventure, he simply wants to take each day of his life and do a little something to better himself. With this he hopes to teach others to do the same with their lives.

I will try my best to store away this particular thought:(something to the effect of) "Everyday matters. It's the 10,000 individual choices we make as an individual that really matter and effect our world. I just try to make something a little better about myself every day. Just a little something. It's doing something every day that eventually will make me a better person."

So if I share Christ a little bit everyday - eventually someone is doing to get it.
If I exercise my body a little bit everyday - I will eventually grow stronger.
If I love people a little bit everyday - I will eventually make a difference in someone's life.
If I learn something new everyday - eventually I will become more knowledgable.
If I choose to keep my environment clean everyday - eventually that may become contagious and others will make healthy, enviromentally friendly choices too.

Who just takes "a little something everyday"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for Starbucks! ha.
This caught my eye particularly because I work at Starbucks and absolutely love the connections that are made there!