My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, August 25, 2008

willing to go?

Returning from a weekend with the PLC and Prez would undoubtedly leave one with many questions and thoughts stirring around in their heads, but several things have uniquely stuck in my mind from our various discussions.

"You were made for God and God alone - to be devoured by Him completely."

Now in order for this to happen it takes a whole lot of surrender and a whole lack of self - a pure, raw heart desire, a childlike faith to march forward in complete trust toward One who loves us enough to devour us so completely, we lose ourselves to find Him.

Partnered with this thought comes an observation of our devotional time. Someone posed the question to our group, " If Christ came tonight and said, 'I'm taking you home. Come!' How would you respond? Would you say, 'No Lord! Not yet! You can't be finished with me yet - I need to help so and so with this and that...' - or would you just go?"

Immediately my heart pounded hard against my chest as a blizzard of questions and thoughts rushed through my head and heart.

Suddenly it struck me - Life is NOT about the "but what abouts" or the "I just need tos". Life is about Christ. It's about breathing Him and loving Him, seeking Him, being for Him and with Him. (Who will I marry? When? But I haven't had time to meet him yet. What if I miss my chance? When will I finish school? What's next? What about internship? Where will I go? What about kids?) in the grand scheme of things these selfish thoughts are so foolish and they often get us stuck in a place we might never escape - a place of settling and refusing to look beyond the call- a place where the potential risk and adventure that lies right before us but we're so blinded, we refuse to see. Sometimes we just need to jump out of the boat onto the water and though we don't belong on the substance, we trust that He who called us to do such a thing will come through- He'll be there. No more of this toe dipping silliness. We need to get drenched!

If He called me - my longing is to answer as I step forward with a resounding, abandonded, without question YES!

All I can think of is a verse I wrote to the tune of 'My Jesus I Love Thee':
"With all things uncertain,
My life in Your hands...
The path that You've woven,
I choose to ascend.
My Jesus you chose me,
You called on - my name.
And now I will follow...
In joy or in pain!"

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