My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Friday, September 11, 2009

at the mission

Working with Mrs. V on Wednesday I was able to meet some of the kiddos at suppertime, much to my delight! The first little guy I met was a beautiful little boy. A curly mop of blond hair rested atop his head, and his big blue eyes danced when he realized someone new was in the room to give him attention.

Gabriel (he’s only two and will turn three on my Mom’s birthday - on October 22nd) wasted no time in grabbing my hand and pulling me to the table to sit with him and his Momma for supper. “You sit right here, okay!” he pronounced as he patted a special spot on the bench for me. Tanzi, the birthday girl who turned four today followed in tow. “I’m going to sit here” she declared, clad in her little crown, and fairy wand. “Alright!” I said excitedly, a big grin consuming my face, “I get to sit between Mr. Gabriel AND the birthday girl!”

The kids giggled at this and my heart filled with a warmth and love for them. Cory (he’ll be three this month) and his Momma joined us as well and I was able to share with the mom’s a little bit about where I’m from. Watching these kids interact with one another was precious. Several of the moms were rather unimpressed with their kid’s energy at this time in the evening – but I was more than happy to keep them entertained.

Gabriel quickly made him self right at home in my lap and ate his supper bouncing on me and smiling and talking with Cory, myself, and his mom. This opened a door for good communication with his mom. Gabriel was a rather persistent charmer – bustling with energy. I cannot wait to get him running around and tuckered out. I’m sure his mom will appreciate that!

I noticed Tanzi’s mom was not too interactive at supper-time and rolled her eyes as well as made nasty faced every time Tanzi tried to do something silly. I felt led in my heart to make sure this little girl felt like a princess on her birthday. She was wiggling around in the cafeteria, swinging her body back and forth, twisting and turning in excitement – so I said, “Look at that birthday dance, girl! You are good!” She smiled and giggled, and then decided it as time to eat some cake. I asked her which she liked best – the cake or the frosting.

With big smiling eyes she replied, “The frosting”. Much to her mother’s disgust she proceeded to eat all her frosting as I told her, “That is some good birthday cake huh? You sure like that frosting”. My favorite part was watching this little girl, so full of life enjoying her birthday – allowing me to be her friend after only a short time. It was a beautiful moment and in the future I look forward to how the Lord is going to grow these relationships with the kiddos and allow me to speak truth and life into their hearts. Lord, let me be a blessing!

1 comment:

Zach said...

Yes, it is wonderful to let kids be kids. I'm so glad that my mom allowed me to be my hyper little self and enjoy my childhood! Looks like you are a blessing to these children that God brings across your path!