My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Friday, December 04, 2009

l i f e

I've wondered recently: What's in a life? Is it the beating of a heart? The echo of a voice? The warmth of an embrace? Perhaps the creases of a smile, or laughter straight from the gut...

After having a conversation with a young teenager who recently received news she is pregnant and was contemplating an abortion - God provided an opportunity to discuss the importance of choosing 'life' for this baby. She was receptive and my heart rejoiced. Encouraging her to be open and honest with her parents - the situation turned out much different than I planned, but I had hope that all would soon be well. I learned this afternoon that her parents want her to get an abortion as well.

These are my thoughts after reflecting on these circumstances heavy on my heart. I've had to come to grips in my spirit today with the Lord that no matter what, He is still good, and He is still God - NO MATTER WHAT. (Let's just be completely honest here, that's tough to comprehend. My heart wants nothings more than to weep at the thought.)

so precious yet so fleeting
such a process yet full of the unexpected
so busy yet so blessed
such a purpose yet so forgotten
so beautiful yet so perplexing.

a gift to some, an entitlement to others
an adventure to some, a jail to others
a great discovery to some, a waste of time to others.

Life is precious, lest we ever forget.
We only have one - we must take it and live.
If we journey beside the One who made us His prize -
We are sure to find, what is knit deep inside,
but if we journey alone, trouble surely shall mount -
on hearts once filled with wonder, now deadened with doubt.
Behold oh life - the Breathe which is Divine,
breathed on Thee that you might find -
The way to the Master is carefully carved,
Purposed to worship, and joy in His Life.
For He offered Himself, so we too might live,
Forever with Christ dwelling, instead of in sin.

Life is stunning, for its Creator is stunning...God is stunning!

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