My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, November 06, 2006

God's strength at booster 2006

Here are a few photos from booster weekend and a word of blessing about God's wonderful power!

Rachellie, Sherri, Christy & Nicole
"the picture"
Las hermanas: Sherri & Christy
Lor & Christy
"Praise the Lord I tell myself and with my whole heart I will praise His Holy Name. Praise the Lord I tell myself and never forget the things He does for me. He fills my life with good things, my youth is renewed like the eagles..." Psalm 103 (paraphrased)

Well Booster has come to a close and I have come, humbly and blessed to testify of God's wondrous work in my life.
The Lover of my soul, my Strength, Refuge, Strong Tower and Lord, Yahweh revealed Himself and His mighty power this weekend.
Thursday evening I came down with a cold, a very bad cold, a very sudden cold...a very not conducive to a weekend of ministry kind of cold.
So I trusted the Lord, that His ways are much higher than mine. Every morning since Thursday I have woken up with a throbbing throat and hoarse voice. We ministered in chapel on Thursday and I knew the Lord had rested upon me because on friday Joni Stevenson, the guest-speakers wife, told me she enjoyed watching me sing, because she could see the joy of the Lord as I worshiped.
Praise the Lord.
We ministered as a chorale again on Saturday morning and my voice only "worked" during the service.
Yesterday we led worship at Sussex Wesleyan and I had to minister my solo for the first time ever.
My voice was straining and painful all through the two hours of warm-ups and 3 minutes before we walked on stage I felt a release and for that on song I had my voice.
Sunday evening Chris & I were asked to help lead worship at Encounter.
I sang for probably a day straight this weekend.
My flesh was weak.
My voice was missing in action...but at the moments God desired His glory to shine, He settled in my throat and sang to His children, He settled upon my face, spread my lips in a giant smile and flooded my heart with warmth.
I cannot sing without Him.
I cannot minister to hundreds of teenagers without Him.
I cannot lead a congretation or campus of His beloved children without Him.
This weekend God truly used my weak flesh, filled me overflowing with His spirit and rocked my mind beyond all understanding about what it means to walk in complete control of the Lord.

He is good all the time!
"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man." -Proverbs 27:19

1 comment:

kristin said...

It's so good to read that you are doing so well! I LOVE the new glasses. :) I have been horrible at keeping in touch, but you are in my thoughts! Love you.