My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

rain rain rain

I love it when rain freshly coats the earth...filling our shoes with sticky mud...puddles are created in roads we were certain had been paved perfectly straight...
but you know what's sad? the groaning, the complaining...the pants that get soaked and send all inside to a dry place of refuge. Not many venture out in the rain. Why not? Well, they'll get wet, of course!

Something struck me about the rain today.
The Lord loves on us when it rains. It feels like His grace just showers the earth.

Rain is often gentle, refreshing...sometimes it is fierce, much like our Lord...He is all powerful, but He is gentle as well.
Reading through Isaiah this evening I came to chapter 40 and found this "He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
Our God is gentle and oooh how this next part gives me chills of delight "he carried them close to his heart."

So why am I so struck by the rain? I think far too often the enemy rejoices when it rains.
Why? We all cower ourselves inside to do absolutely nothing because it's raining and we dare not venture outside because, well, you guessed it, it's raining. Nothing fits right, works right and your hair, woah, forget about those straight locks my friend, it's a curly ponytail day. We get far too caught up in ourselves on rainy days instead of the One who has granted us the more day to breathe, clean air, refreshed land, relaxation from all strenuous outdoor activities.

We become excuse-makers when it rains. When problems arise, the rain is to blame. When things don't get done, the rain gets blamed. When we don't look right, feel right and our attitudes are downright awful, it all falls on the rain.

I don't believe it should.
Next time it rains, take a moment to appreciate the One who created you...the One who loves you, even on rainy days when your feet are soaked and your hair is frizzy. If you're a runner, lace up those shoes and go puddle splashing; if you enjoy walking, pull on your hood or grab an umbrella; if you're a book worm grab a good book.There's a little something for everyone to do on a rainy day. Get out, step out, go out and appreciate the marvelous workmanship of His great hands, the taste of His power He has revealed to you in this storm.

Thank you Lord for rainy-days and the reminder of your grace that falls on us like rain!


Debbie said...

ah I hear you on all counts! I'm guilty of the complaints for sure but I also was reminded of a time when the rain was coming down so perfectly gentle yet it was pouring and I stood outside and blasted the song healing rain by Michael W. Smith and it was just me in the middle of the night loving the rain and the Rainmaker! I love you Christy... I love your blogs too... there's a lot to you :)

God Is Love said...

Grace Like Rain is also another beautiful song by Todd Agnew. I really miss you Christy! I love the rain too..(Remember our last Thunderstorm outside this summer? Getting locked out of the house by Dad!) Hehehe. How is everything with you? Are you getting excited about coming down for Thanksgiving? I am.. MMM!! Turkey, Turkey and Stuffing and more Stuffing...and oh yeah!..more stuffing! Hahaha. :)(Stuffing should be the main course..) Well, I called my boss and I get to work Thanksgiving so I won't be getting home until 3:30ish..which means you guys have to wait for me. :) haha. So yeah, I definetely got off track with the whole rain thing...but it's ok because turkey's like rain. Ok, Love you Christy! :)


Elizabeth said...

We had a great rainstorm this summer...all 5 Rhynos and our dear Mitchell-Rhyno stood out on the porch and watched the rain and the lightening. My favorite part was when Morgan jumped off the step, into the torrent, and started jumping up and down yelling "Praise the Lord" over and over. Such unabashed worship!

I loved this post Christy...thanks so much for reminding me today that the Lord loves at all times, and not to turn my face away, even in the rain.