My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, November 13, 2006

nineteen years of life have I...

Nineteen years have passed from the moment God released me from my mother's womb.
Time passes by without the slightest blink.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter again starts anew...
Where do these moments, these treasurable memories go?
Forever vanishing are the days of tire swings, club houses and Christian Rangers.
Gone are the days of school dances, birthday parties with pinatas and even graduation.
Gone are highschool moments, driver's tests and first dates.
Away sweep the movements from dance classes, toe shoes no longer fit, and jelly shoes have been missing for ages.
What replaces these things?
Why nineteen years, of course!
Is this a bad thing?
Not at all!
Nineteen wonderful years of Jesus breathing new life daily into my being.
Nineteen years of sweet kisses from the wind, seasons changing and adventures everyday.
Baby sisters become teenagers.
Daddy's retire.
Mommy's become your greatest friend, listening ear and reference.
Nineteen years of life and wonder cannot compare to the many more to the times to come, the seasons still yet to bear their character before our wondering eyes. They can't compare to the promises yet to be fulfilled, the whispers of prophecy yet to come.
Nineteen years are but a blink when compared to eternity.
Today I look back...thinking...wondering...thanking and praising for the nineteen years I've been given.
Thank you Jesus for a special birthday!
November 13th, 1987, you began unraveling what has thus far been nineteen years.
You knit me together and know every inch of my being...every thought, every desire, You know. Nineteen years of goals, hopes, dreams, harships, trials, sufferings and adventures...You have stretched me, loved me, captured me, captivated me, and moved me in a way unlike any other.

Today is my birthday...the day You chose, ordained and created just for me to enter this world.
May you receive glory, honor and praise for birthdays!


Anonymous said...




Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday, Christy!

Rachelle said...

Happy belated birthday, my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Christy... hope you got my card! I love you :)

Debbie said...

Christy it's me auntie Debbie not anonymous that left you the comment above... gotta love computers!

christy said...

Thank you everyone for your birthday blessings and wishes! :) I love you all very much!

yes auntie debbie, I recieved your card. thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Christy!

Ok, so I know this is a little late, but on your ACTUAl birthday, I tried to sign in and leave a birthday comment, but it said that it did not recognize my user name. So anyway...
*excuse* *excuse* *excuse* Happy Birthday *excuse*