My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Remembrance Day: Sussex, New Brunswick

Yesterday morning a group of BBC students made their way downtown to Sulley's (a seasonal icecream place) where the town of Sussex would be holding their Remembrance Day Ceremony. Clad in poppies, toddlers to greatgrandmothers flocked the sidewalks some with joyful smiles and other with their imaginary check-lists ready to relieve themselves of one more duty that day. There's a lot you can recognize in large crowds of people and I always find myself awestruck at just how peculiar we all are. Our God is so creative and yet, to see people, in all of their differences doesn't even begin to touch upon the expansiveness of His power or creativity.

So one might be wondering why I, a young American student at Bible College ventured downtown with the town-folk to experience their remembrance day ceremony. I certainly was not wearing a poppy, nor had I the slightest idea what would take place, but something drew me to become part of this crowd as they observed silence for those who'd fallen in times of war for freedom and those still around today. I grew up as an army-brat...but I assure you, my daddy was the best soldier you'll ever meet. I wonder what it'll be like one day to watch Him march in a parade and hold a moment of silence for the year+ of his life he spent serving his country in Iraq...the 20+ years of service he spent daily making decisions for the greater good of our country, all the while being a loving husband, amazing daddy and so much more.

A parade went by with many people to honor the veterans, all of whom were/are probably great soldiers, brothers, daddys, grandpas, uncles, ect.

Following a long chuck of time consisting of older women and men with, adorned with titles I couldn't recall if you asked me to, placing their honorable wreathes into the cold-November ground to remember moments of their life, which have become moments of our history....a middle aged woman approached the mircophone...though I could not see her from my place of standing, the moment her mouth opened something familiar warmed my soul...the words of "How Great Thou Art" rang sweetly, vibrantly, clearly and powerfully on that Sussex town street. Praise the Lord! My heart sang in adoration of the One I was truly there to honor. Sure, the little boyscounts looked adorable in their uniforms, the various officers looked rather sharp, but uncomfortable in their toe pinching boots and the veterans looked brilliant, noble and full of history...but this day, this ceremony it wasn't about them...not really. I found my heart moved to remember the One who'd gently clasped the hands of those who lost their lives during those war times, and the One who surrounded those still marching, still living with His mighty hedge of protection. Now the song wasn't my old reminder of our great God, but at the center of everyone's focus stood a simple cross...a cross on which each Canadian clad in their poppies placed their poppy as a sign of their remembrance. They were placing their remembrance on the cross. I wonder how many took a moment to realize they'd done such a thing....the wreathes resembled crosses I wonder with so many reminders why it is so easy to forget about Him.

How often do we remember that a day of remembrance, is always about the Lord?
He created all things and to every season there is a time and place under Heaven.
I know for sure that I have never stepped back at a ceremony and wondered how I could honor Christ with my silence, my appreciation for the works His hands allowed in those situations....the works His hands have created to place me there at that very moment in time to be mindful of Him.

Take a moment and think about the One through which all things are possible!
Remember where you've come from, where you've been and where you're going...all because of Him!


Debbie said...

I'm always really blessed by things you write Christy. You see the world through such a different view than I do... probably one more reason you are so special to me. You remind me of the good in this world and in people... you reflect Jesus more than pretty much anyone else I know... your heart seems so pure and so full of love... Thanks for just being Christy! I love you very much :)

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for writing this Christy...You have a way of opening my eyes a little more each time I read what you've written. I praise the Lord for you, and thank you for shining Jesus to me again today.

christy said...

Thank you ladies for sharing how the Lord has touched you through these writings. It spurs me on into deeper awareness of Him working in my life...and the testimony of it blessing the lives of those around me. have a wonderful day! can't wait to visit soon!