My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


The concept of "relationship" has been a running theme over the last year or so in my life - a concept which I have thought over, chewed on, brainstormed, resented, enjoyed, appreciated, feared, run from, and embraced. Recently I've been exposed through the news, television, and various magazine articles to the reality of poor relationship in our world and reminded about just how real this issue is.

Yesterday I realized how much help people need in "real" relationship. We so often fail at keeping it pure - so miserably so that no one even dares to do it right. No one seems to know how. We've told ourselves, convinced ourselves into this mechanical way of operating with one another. Most times it's not relationship at's mere acquaintanceship or simply knowing the right people because you have to or need to in order to achieve something. Since when have people ever legitimately been rightly considered as pons opposed to persons?

There's always some sort of twist, some distraction, perversion, agenda, or false thinking that gets in the way. Assumptions rot at the heart like some deadly sickness but are contagious at first glance. They feed on the mind, body & general well being of the assumer until they are entirely preoccupied with themselves, with this sickness, their assumptions and they no longer find it of any value to purely pursue and seek appropriate boundaries within the scope of relationship.

Relationship becomes a matter of 'yeh or neh', 'go or stay'. No one is privileged nor permitted to simply "be". What a terrible sickness - this plaque of the heart - soot of the mind sort of thing. If only we could fully, unmistakeably embrace our roles as male & female in accordance with the great Creator's original design - rather than aligning ourselves with selfish fantasies and naive expectations in life - to LIVE in relationship with others as a direct overflow of our devoted relationship with Him.

...Father teach us how to Love like You...
......... teach us to walk in relationship with You...
.................. to be as You would have us be...
.................. to honor You in our words, thoughts & actions...
.................. to keep You at the center of our relationships...
.................. ALWAYS!

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