"God is not man, so he does not lie.
He is not human, so he does not change his mind,
Has he ever spoken and failed to act?
Has he ever promised and not carried it through?"
-Numbers 23:19
There is truly nothing like walking in the presence of our loving Savior, daily.
To know the Christ who is not only Savior, but Teacher, Friend, Lover, Counselor, Maker, Ruler, EVERYTHING.
To be intimate with the Lord and hear His still small voice whispering words of life and truth into my soul is a gift, a blessing that far surpasses anything else. Words can not express nor explain how God has both protected and strengthened my heart over these past few months. Thank You Jesus for guarding the precious chambers of my heart, for speaking with authority over any other voice that caused me to doubt. Thank You for open arms and Your word of truth. You alone are my strength and my song. I praise You Father for restoration and lessons that will carry through many many years, probably my entire life. Thank you for being my JOY. my PEACE. for granting me GRACE, LOVE, PATIENCE,KINDNESS, SELF-CONTROL and WISDOM.
Without You, where would we be?
I thank You that You are mindful of ever the small things.
I exalt Your name, sweet Jesus, because YOU are ALWAYS IN CONTROL.
I know this truth because I've walked in it.
I've stood on the foundation of Your word, making You my hope and confidence.
I've come to you in weakness and You've heard my cries.
I thank You for being the light unto our feet and path. You never allowed us to waiver from Your will, even though stubbornness may have felt better than the truth. You are GOOD, GOOD, GOOD!
I worship You my King!
I thank You for all of the growth that is to come.
Let us walk as an example that glorifies Your name!
:) You make my heart smile Jesus!