My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

tis' not a day for flip-flops

I am the type of person who loves making "to do" lists and checking off the things I accomplish throughout the day.
Have you ever had a week where you felt like you were adding a lot more things than you were checking off?
I can't complain about the workload, I've been diligently accomplishing schoolwork for the past few weeks now, but with a big project in clear sight of its deadline, I'll admit, my scheduling is a tad sketchy.
Spring fever does no justice to locking oneself inside the college dormitory to work for hours on end reading a book or typing a paper. It is practically impossible to focus when the sun is beaming happily around the campus and the air is scented with the thoughts of soon coming summer months.
I press on!

The weather here in Sussex has been absolutely ridiculous this week.
To put this in simple terms, it simply can not make up its mind.
Several of my Canadian friends have told me " There's one things you can depend on in Sussex -- if you don't like the weather, stick around for 15 minutes and it will change."

For example: It is currently snowing. At dinnertime it was bright and sunny outside with a warm breeze. Before that a freezing cold wind and some flurries. At lunchtime it was raining. In the morning we had gargantuen snowflakes slinking their way to the earth. All in a day's work. :)

Note to self & other bright cookies out there: flip flops should not be the shoe of choice in this season. snow and open toes do not mesh well.

I'm amazed at how creative God is with the weather and how at this very moment we are accumulating snow on our springtime thawing ground and people a couple thousand miles away are hanging out at the beach or something. It's extrodinary.

Regardless, there's a small update on life's busyness and the weather.
God hasn't been distracted by spring fever and continues His faithful work here at BBC. I am amazed at how quickly an entire year of preparing for ministry has flown by. I press on!

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