My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

rest - what is it? what does it look like?

Something we often fail to do in our culture is to take the proper time our body needs to rest. We neglect even the smallest opportunities to rest, like sitting down for a few moments on a busy day, or taking a bubble bath when you have an hour to spare, or closing your eyes as you walk down the street to class allowing the wind to blow softly on your face.

Quite often, most of our days are consumed with a "go go go" mentality, and regardless of all the to-do lists, countless daily goals, and expectations, we somehow manage to fail at something. Why is this? - I think it is because we neglect to rest.

The past few weeks have been very spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally draining. At times I was so caught up in going that I did not have time to "sit and rest" - I had to "rest on the go". I realize that sounds like an oximoron, but bear with me. Regardless of how mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually taxing the past few weeks have been, my cup has been filled overflowing. Why? I have chosen to find my rest in Yahweh. The Lord has breathed strength into my body everyday with a faithfulness and consistency that can only come from Him. He has brought joy in the midst of fatigue, and fullness in the midst of near emptiness. He fills my cup.

I have come to appreciate and recognize that resting in the Lord isn't always a "stand still" practice. Oftentimes, a gentle breeze will remind me of His love or the words of a sweet song will enter my heart. Starting my day by reading a daily passage of His word allows it to stay fresh in my mind and He helps me recall His promises throughout the day. Honestly, regardless of how tired I sometimes feel, I am resting. He surrounds me and carries me. (Ps.68:19).

My idea and expectations of true-rest have changed significantly over the past month. During the past week I have rested by:
-Puddle jumping in a thunder storm
-Standing in the pouring rain
-Napping after a soccer game
-Eating yogurt and crackers
-The sunshine strip on the walk down the hill
-Closing my eyes and listening to the words spoken in chapel
-Standing in awe of Him, patiently with no concern of time

Thank the Lord for rest - He alone fills my cup, overflowing!

These words filled my heart yesterday with great rest and wonder:
"I see the Lord, seated on the throne - exalted.
And the train of His robe, fills the temple with glory...
And the whole earth is filled - the whole earth is filled-
And the whole earth is filled - with His glory.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy is the Lamb..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you love, have a beautiful heart.