My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, August 17, 2009

changing lanes

It was Friday night - about 9:30 pm.
I was on my way back to the Hephzibah campus after returning some e-mails and enjoying a nice cup of Chai tea at a local cafe, Joshua Cup in downtown Macon. The streets were extremely dark - minus the glow of nearby street lights and the occasional glimmers from the traffic lights of red, yellow, and green kissing the moist Georgia pavement. Checking my mirrors to be aware of my surroundings, I noticed a dark, unlit vehicle behind me. "Hum - looks like a cop is behind me" I thought.

Exchanging a few words with my friend Sarah over the phone - I paid no attention to the car following close behind me. I didn't consider how it had just appeared out of no where, or why its lights were so low and dim. Passing through my second traffic light with only two lanes to choose from, I headed down a small hill - just prior to a bridge area. With darkness creeping in all around me - the white painted lines of the now 4 lane choices screamed at me. My lane was suddenly divided by white paint, forcing me to choose right or left.

Not wanting to detour on the highway this particular night, I quickly shifted to the right a bit, unsuccessfully avoiding a small bump in the road and managed to get myself safely in a straight lane of traffic. That's when I saw it. Blue lights were roaring behind me, scolding my Jeep to pull over. Not sure what I had done wrong, I quickly signaled, hung up the phone, and pulled to the side of the bridge. In my mind rung a thousand possibilities, scenarios, and questions.

"Speed?" No I was doing atleast 5 under the speed limit because the roads were dark and I was on the phone.
"Vehicle maintenance?" Hum...maybe, but last I checked everything was good and up to date.
"Stop lights?" Nope. Pretty sure they were flaming green before I even touched the gas pedal.
"Creeper cops pulling over helpless women on dark bridges late at night?" Not wanting to dwell on this possibility, I rolled my window up so it remained open only about 1/4 of the way and locked my doors.

Hands in my lap I waited for this mystery cop to appear. Flashlight in hand, the cop approached my window. "Mam, do you know why I've pulled you over?" "No sir. Actually, I don't." Motioning with his hands, he pointed back to the lane shifting area - back there Mam, you were (he then swiveled his hand like he was swimming in the air or something to show me what I'd apparently done). "Oh I'm sorry Sir" I replied, "I'm new to the area. I've only lived down here a few months now and I saw the lanes change real quick and wanted to make sure I didn't end up on the highway."

Putting his flashlight near my face he asked, "Have you had anything to drink tonight Mam?" "Just tea Sir!" I replied with a smile. "Just tea, huh? Well be careful then." He retreated back to his cruiser and let me go.

As soon as my window was up, my vehicle in a safe lane, and my phone dialing home - I burst into laughter.I could hardly control myself as I unfolded the tale to my Mom over the phone.

The very idea of him even thinking I could be drunk made me chuckle - I've never had a drink in my life - and about the only thing I could logically say I've ever been 'drunk' in is the Holy Spirit. Oh the situations that make our days unique! Praise the Lord for laughter - and safety in 'changing lanes'! Internship sure if full of random happenings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least you can be assured that you are safe on the roads because the cops are doing their job.¬Jonathan