My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Friday, August 14, 2009

beautiful differences

What do you get when you combine a 300 lb. redneck Texan woman, a sarcastic German lady in her late seventies, a middle-aged black woman with a healthy sense of self-awareness and humor, and a young adult college student interning in a foreign place? Let’s find out! I’m rather certain there are many possible answers to this question, many theories which could be developed, tested, and eventually proven wrong, or maybe even half right. The key is truly “seeing” what is present to be seen – to look beyond the surface to find understanding.

From the outside one may observe a whole lot of laughter, a strange mix of friendship, or perhaps sheer coincidence. They may recognize a constant, free flowing conversation – an effortless joy that streams across the table as each person offers their thoughts on the matter at hand. Clown faces may compliment what is being said or surprised expressions if you stick around long enough to explore the situation.

Needless to say, I realized after experiencing this Monday at lunch, what you truly get when you combine all these various personalities together is a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. I noticed a snapshot of God’s creative hand at work in designing His children with a unique purpose – fashioning them with a unique appearance, way of thinking, and even special laughs. Sometimes this is difficult to appreciate! Sometimes it takes work to realize not everyone acts, thinks, functions, or operates the same way we were created to.

Each of these ladies was completely different. In fact to declare us all polar opposites would be a fair and legitimate statement. This is shown through appearance, life experiences, level of education, speech, relationship status – everything. Yet somehow, the one thing we all hold in common strung us together like a beautiful display of ornaments on a Christmas tree – our love for Christ. We are all, in spite of our differences, our strengths, weaknesses, experiences, and appearances, part of one body – the body of Christ. We are all daughters of the King – and that alone is a beautiful thing! That alone is what allows us to freely fellowship!

When I put this together with what Scripture promises will happen one day when we all get to Heaven, my heart rejoices and delights in these moments, these small snapshots of what Heaven will be like – interacting with all sorts of people – unified as one before the Lord – and I smile.

It seems in our world today so many people fight for their rights to be different – and not many people take a stand to be united and recognized as “one” – even Christians. Everyone somehow wants their own glory and recognition – as their own person. The Bible tells us time and time again we are not our own – we belong to One who is Great in power, might and strength! I believe it is our differences that strengthen our “oneness” and allow us to grow stronger with a common purpose – a common intention – determination – and motivation.

The Lord uses the strengths of other members of the Body to compliment and balance out our weaknesses. Likewise He uses the strengths He has knit within us to balance and compliment the weaknesses of those around us so we can grow in Him – for His glory. Perhaps it is the hope of what is to come that makes me smile most. The Bible tells us that “one day every knee will bow in Heaven, and on earth, and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2). In the future I will continue to ask the Lord to show me, with His eyes, His beauty in diverse interactions – and I will embrace opportunities that are to come – where I may meet and grow with others in the Body of Christ!

I'd encourage you to take a look at the people around you today - let the Lord show you how these people could be, if they served Him - and celebrate the beauty of recognizing Christ and His purposes inside of those who do serve Him!

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