My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

brothers and sisters

(Elizabeth, Harley, me and Sutton)
Friday I had two sweet moments I simply cannot neglect to document in some form and share – for I wish the way my heart was blessed by these small, sweet moments, to be shared with anyone willing to take a moment to remember with me. I was on the soccer field with my Group #1 little girlies playing a tag game. It was sweltering hot outside (welcome to Georgia), but the sunshine was beautiful as it penetrated our skin and a soft summer breeze kissed our sweaty cheeks. Laughter filled the air and smiles and protests arose as a result of everyone’s progress in the game.

“Miss Christy! My head is SO hot and sweaty!” Sutton said to me with a great look of disgust and irritation. Her expression made me chuckle as I promised to fix this little problem for her. Asking her for her hair bow, I made a giant messy bun on the top of her head. Little ringlets formed around her face and fell from the sweat and moisture in the air making her an adorable little sight to see. Reflecting on this moment I realize how good kids are at loving ‘unconditionally’ – for even though it was sweltering, sticky, sweaty, and just plain ol’ HOT outside, Sutton and Jordan wanted to snuggle close in my lap. This extra body head did not help my desire to cool down – but my heart felt free and bubbling over with the love of Jesus for these little girls.

As we prepared to head inside for our next activity of the day, Sutton and Jordan took my hands and we began to skip inside. Glancing up at me with a thoughtful, loving glance Sutton said, “I wish you were my mom Miss Christy!” I will admit, I am extremely excited about being a mom some day to a beautiful, loving little one like this, but my mind also flashed with the reality of needing to assure Sutton that she is exactly where she needs to be. I noticed she was excited as she shared this and very serious too, so I did not question her, but rather decided to remind her of how much her mom and dad love her. This is important because Sutton is adopted (something I recently discovered), so the fact that anyone would ever wish to give up such a precious little girl like this one baffles me.

My response was one, I believe of hope and truth. Thanking her for being so sweet, I said, “Sutton you already have a really nice mommy, remember you introduced us? And your daddy too Sutton, he is really nice too!” “Yea, I know Miss Christy, but I wish you were my mom”. She stopped talking after this for a second and recognizing she really meant what she was saying, my heart was moved and the Lord reminded me that this little girl loves me because we are part of the same family, we are both part of the body of Christ – sisters in the Lord. I believe Sutton needed to know this, so I told her, “Well Sutton, you know what is really cool? We’re sisters Sutton! Did you know that? I think that is way better than be being your mom, and since you already have a nice mom – it is pretty awesome that we are sisters. You know? Jordan is our sister too! If we love Jesus and follow His ways, the Bible tells us that we are all part of the same family – and this means we are sisters!”

(me, Madison & Jordan)
“Really? We are sisters?” Sutton inquired. Jordan piped up, “Yea we might not be blood related, but in Heaven we will all become sisters and family.” “God created the Heavens and the earth” Sutton informed me matter of factly. My heart smiled deeply as these two little sisters of mine began to recite truth from the Word God has already (at the age of six) written on their hearts – truth that is definitive and important, as well as applicable to them right now in life and will continue to be as they grow and experience life on newer, deeper, more challenging levels.

(me and Madison)

The second instance was also quite beautiful and sweet. I was in the pavilion with Madison (another six year old sister). She was tugging on my arm and looked rather adamant. “Miss Christy! Miss Christy! I forgot to tell you something!” “You did? Oh no. What do you need to tell me Miss Madison?” “I love you!” she responded throwing her arms around me to give me a hug. My heart melted as I chuckled in response, “Awwh Madison! That is so sweet to say. Thank you. I love you too!”

I realized in this moment that I really do love these kids – not all of them – and some more than others – but in a very unique, special, individual way certain kiddos have wiggled their way into my heart. I wonder if this is a small taste of what it feels like to have a child of your own – to watch them grow and learn things, to teach them and see the fruit of what you have taught, or the influence of how you carry yourself reflected in their lives. I’ve had a beautiful experience with my little campers; I can only imagine what parenthood is like!?!?



(Virginia, me & Elizabeth)

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