My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Lovely Ladies havin' fun

So, Graduation was interesting and my family celebrated after the are some pictures of the lovely ladies who celebrated with me! God has blessed me with the greatest family and sisters in Christ!
Auntie Debbie (such a goofball, but I love her!)
Are ya feelin' the tree?

The 4 (Ramos) sisters: Debbie, Annie, Mom & Missy
Annie is feelin' the tree...
Richelle...just bein' cute!
Mom's feelin' the tree too...
Mes soeurs: Sherri et Lor
Gracie-Loo...about to go pooh...
Kristina, at my graduation!
Ma soeur: beautiful Nicole
Ma soeur aussi: (Curious? Seductive?Pensive?) Rachelle
(not sure what face that is...just be creative, go adjective crazy!)


Debbie said...

Ah none of the butt pictures? "But" why? Just kidding of course! Gracey Loo Ready to Poo... oh my gosh that one hurt, I have a sore throat and nearly laughed myself off the chair! Unexpected and hilarious! Your party was very fun... hopefully for you too :) Lots of good laughs!

Rachelle said...

I think the correct adjective would be "annoyed".

I turn to my left to say something to either Sherri or Nicole and I am greeted with Sherri taking my picture. Haha. :)

christy said...

haha Debbie..the butt pictures and the rest of the family will follow soon...blogger has been acting complicated for me to post my pictures!

Glad you laughed!

christy said...

thanks for the "correct" adjective rachellie!