My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

beauty from the inside---out

" God designed you with tenderness and forethought. He uniquely fashioned you to bear His image and no one elses's --- your individual beauty can never be duplicated. Like the most complex, exquisite snowflake sparkeling across the winter sky, you are unlike any other creature who has ever lived or ever will live."
-T.D. Jakes

Oftentimes my heart sings with the love of Christ, proclaiming boldly the beauty I know I hold deep within myself...I am a woman of Christ...a fierce warrior...a leader...a mere vessel. Manytimes however, my eyes get shadowed by the world's standards, my ears are plastered with the waxy lies that I'm not quite good enough. My jeans are supposedly not the "right" size, but they seem to fit me just fine. My smile is far from perfect, but I count it a blessing to have all my teeth and zero history of dental work on them. No matter where I look..when I have on worldly shades, all I can see are people prettier, more successful and healthier than I am...I'm sure we've all been there a time or two.

Right now though, I dare you to step out, throw those glasses on the ground and STOMP on them. Grab a q-tip ladies, it's time to clean out the waxy lies about your supposed lack of beauty.

I'm may not be the prettiest girl on the block, but my family would probably beg to differ.
All the boys don't chase after me,(Thank you Lord) but I have a man, (the man for me), who loves me and tells me how beautiful I am in his eyes all the time. (Praise the Lord for His goodness!)
I don't wear size 3 jeans, but if I could sew 3-4 pairs together, they might fit.
I'm not the model woman displayed in America, but I am a daughter of the King.
I am His beloved.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am unique. Special even.
God fashioned me with forethought.
He intriquetly fashioned every finger and toe, muscle and organ.
He knows every hair on my head.
There's no one else quite like me around.
Likewise, there's no one else quite like YOU my friends.

I am free.
I know my heart is full of love.
Every deep desire and hearts cry, He hears.
Jesus is in there...He has created me to be Christy.

I really am BEAUTIFUL...
and so are YOU!


Lor & Josh said...

I loved that TD Jakes quote and enjoyed your post. Christy, you truly are a beauty's beauty. Your inner exquisiteness from Christ within you glows on your already gorgeous face, so that all who see you are captivated with love. You are fearfully and WONDERFULLY made, spiritually and physically. You supersede the world's standards. you are an authentic beauty. Love ya and will be thinking of you the next three weeks. See ya soon

Debbie said...

Christy, you made me cry! Best blog I've ever read! Thank you. This one will be copied and hung on my refrigerator... a place of very high honor in my home :)
I love you Christy... this blessed me HUGE!
I also must say I echo Laura's comments you are an amazing and beautiful person! If the world really looked at you they would envy you!

christy said...

Lor, I love you. What a blessed sister in Christ you are! YOU are an authentic beauty and it is a true blessing to have you in my life. I'll be praying for ya and thinking about you in Dallas these next three weeks and can't wait to hear all about the work Christ does down there. :) Go go go girl!

Debbie, my sweet, dear aunt! Praise the Lord for words that touched your heart and earned the honor of being displayed on your refrigerator. I love you auntie debbie, thank you for always echoing the voice of our Heavenly Father in my life, with encouragement, truth and love. You are bursting with joy and I think that's perhaps what I love most about you..and how we bring out the silly in each really just boils down to the joy of the Lord...when I'm with you, we just drown in it. Praise the Lord!

Debbie said...

Zbylut sisters ROCK!!! Sherri and Christy both totally said something I so desparately needed to hear... words can't quite explain! I love you both (Jessie too of course :) and am hugely privileged to be your aunt! Well it's time to get off the computer and toward the car for my trip to Old Navy! YAY...

God Is Love said...

Christy, that is amazing. I love you! God Bless!

Sherri Marie