My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Simply said: I am nobody...I'm pretty much invisible.

"Let me be invisible, LORD; Let me love the things that no one sees. Let me be more invisible in you that I may love others more visibly. Let my work stand as a great monument, to an even greater God."
-Nicole Johnson in
Keeping a Princess Heart in a Not so Fairy Tale World

Perhaps the most humbling revelation I've had in a long time about self, brought me to a place of realizing that no matter how many people forget my name or who I am, talk to me only because they think I'm someone I'm not...there's only one person who will never forget my name. This person is so grand and their love so unending that not a moment passes by without them thinking about me. Some reading this may be thinking " boys, she's pretty full of herself..." but I promise you I am not. This person is Jesus. He knows my name. He hears my voice. He knows my heart and holds me in the palm of His hands...He knows my name because He whispers it every day...every morning as I wake my Heavenly Father declares His affections for me. He knit me in my mother's womb, and smiles on my face everyday. He walks with me and talks with me, He sings through me and knows every hair on my head. I am forever His...

To some I am coach Christy, a friend, a lover, a daughter, a sister, a leader, a teacher, an encourager, a counselor, a worshiper, a runner, a kindred spirit, a mentoree or even a young adult......but all of these things can pass away in an instant. Forever will I be a princess in the King of Heaven's eyes. His beloved, His daughter. I'm okay with being invisble...and if it means that I am more aware of my Jesus' loving on me, I am thrilled. Be blessed dear ones!


Anonymous said...

Ok, Sometimes I get what you write, sometimes I reflect and digest what you have to say. But, I am really puzzled with the entry today? Let's have a sideline talk, I do not think you are invisble. Love You Daddy

christy said...

invisible isn't a bad thing daddy...

Debbie said...

Cute comment from your dad Christy...