My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Friday, July 28, 2006

a very "Hershey" blessing (day 1)

Divine appointments are so puzzling...and so GOD!
Yesterday, I had the great privlege of heading to an amusement park avec mi famile.

Little did we know what the Lord had in store for us in good ol' Hershey, Pennsylvania, a good 13+ hours away from home sweet home....but God is Soverign, and He always has greater things than we could ever imagine in store for us.

It all started with a thunderstorm...we'd just decided to change into bathingsuits, so we could get soaking wet on the waterpark rides...just as we'd gotten in line, it started to pour, and people scattered everywhere...a rather humurous thing when you consider "these people are all standing here, in their bathing suits, riding wet rides and they run for cover when it rains." Several comedic men voiced their opinions on this matter. As the storm blew over, we were greeted in line by a very friendly family of 5 also, getting anxious to ride.

Jessica noticed the father of the family was wearing a very "cool" WWJD necklace, and he said thank you and starting talking a bit..instantly when I looked at his wife and him, I felt this connection. Isn't God good? We waited in line for a while and had a great discussion about life and I just felt very blessed. The couple leads a group of college aged young adults in Pennsylvania. Instantly, we felt as though we'd seen each other before, somewhere. Isn't it neat how there's always an instant connection between Christians, where communication is free to flow. As we got ready to leave, they told their youngest daughter Haley to "say goodbye to christy" and she was adorable. So we said our goodbyes, went on our merry way and didn't expect to run into them again that day. I walked away feeling blessed, but also sort of restless because I hadn't caught their names.

Two rides later, we ended up on a water roller coaster...and they shut the ride down because of a storm, many people left, which cut out 40+ minute wait, down to about 5...we ended up near the front of the line..and guess who was their, the family! We were all very excited to see each other thundered & lightening & poured, and roughly 1 1/2 hours later, we were getting ready to ride the rides. What an amazing time of fellowship and conversation we had. God is SO good.

Since we had a family of 5 and they did also, Steve and Vicky needed someone to ride with one of their little ones. Haley decided she'd like to ride with me, so I got to ride with my knock-knock-joke telling, 5 yr. old new friend. We had a blast...and yes, we got soaked. It blessed my heart to watch a family intrust me with their little girl, at an amusement park, after only having talked for a few short hours, but like I said God is amazing in the fact that He allows us the opportunity to connect with fellow Christians, old friends...regardless of whether or not we've ever met.

I'm excited about the friendship that was created on our first official day of vacation...and look forward to the many more blesse opportunities to come.

I was blessed by this verse several times, during my adventures @ Hershey, day 1:
" 3You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! 4 Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock." -Isaiah 26:3-4

I am so transfixed with the magnitude of the Father's, love and greatness, and power. There's no one like Him. He ever changes. I have to TRUST. The things in store for my life, are impossible without trust. I can't do matter how hard I try, but if I climb up into the hands of my Heavenly Father and let Him guide, work and move through me and in me...WOW. I remember sitting on my bed the other day just saying over and over again "Lord, I trust you! I trust you! I TRUST You! I TRUST YOU!!!!!!" until eventually I was screaming it, and then a peace came. What is a day without trusting in the Lord for everything? I'm absolutely convinced it's horribly miserable. As we trust, He will bless. He hears the voice of His children, and we hear His. "My sheep hear my voice...."

To anyone who read this day's blessing in it's entirety, thank you much and I pray you'll be blessed as you grow in your trust with the Lord.

1 comment:

Brown-eyed Girl said...

These were awesome people we had an opportunity to meet. God does nothing by chance...but always with diligence and with our best interest at heart!