My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

spider terror

Last night I stayed up watching a movie with my family and in the wee hours of the morning as we all retired, my body told me to head straight to sleep, but my heart told me I needed some time with the Lord. Opening my Bible, the words of Psalm 84 absorbed in my heart. Fatigued as I was I opted not to journal. As I stood up, a song filled my heart with worship. A strage alertness filled my body and I decided to journal some thoughts before going to sleep. Usually journaling helps me wind down, but tonight, with every word I became more alert.

Finishing, I decided even though I felt wide awake, I would call it a night and attempt to tire myself with the lights off. Placing my journal and Bible on the night stand my eyes zoomed in on a speck at the edge of my bed, roughly a foot from where my feet were resting. "No way..." I muttered," You have got to be kidding me! That thing it huge and it's on my bed! Urrrh!"

By lamplight I scrambled off the bed away from the spider and ran to grab my spider shoes. Flipping on the big bedroom light my eyes beheld a sight that stirred a great anger in me. On my bed stood a spider the size of a quarter, just hanging out, tapping his spider legs and camoflaguing his spider self to my greenish blanket. I was furious and my guess is the spider was dead before my shoe ever touched him from the downward force of energy coming towards him...perhaps not, but heart pounded wildly and with mouth agape at this hideous sight, I ran up the stairs into my parents bedroom and showed them.

* I can not begin to understand why there are so many spiders in that room chasing after me. Each time I find one it's bigger, scarier and closer to me. There have never been so many in that room...and what started out as a laughable joke has become completely ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned, the bed was the last straw. I am now moving back upstairs into the teeniest-tiniest room in our house...but it's spider free, so tis' where I'll be.


Anonymous said...

I HATE SPIDERS!!!! Most bugs I'm okay with but spiders and bees. . . EEeeew! I'd change rooms too! =)

The Ramos Family said...

I know this is a desperate situation, I myself, do not like spiders that much; however, I laughed reading about the, "my guess is the spider was dead before my shoe ever touched him from the downward force of energy coming towards him...".

Too funny!