My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

soccer games and memories

When it comes to soccer...I'm game! Cleats, or bare feet...if there's a ball, a slab of grass to run on and some form of a goal, I'm ready to play. Sadly this year is the first time since 4th grade that this season of time hasn't been consumed with the stinkyness of shinguards and constant running of the washer to remove large grass and mud stains from my uniforms. Oh, to be on the soccer field again. I love the game...there's just something about being on a field, beneath the heat of lights, or a setting sun that enchants me. Something about the snapping of a ball against my cleat and the swooshing of a ball as it whaps the back of a net that sends a motivation throughout my whole body. There's something about breathing heavy and speaking in a foreign language (with a mouthguard) that is worthy of much memories and laughter. When I'm on the field, pieces of my character and personality that many people don't often get a chance to see unless they're there with me, come out. It's freeing for me. I love soccer...hence my desire to attend 3 matches over the past 4 days.
I'm greatful the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to find joy in Him so many countless times on the field.
I remember sunsets after getting scolded by coaches and how whispers of His word caused the adrenaline within me to sore.
It took me until my senior year in highschool to play the sport I love most for the glory of the Lord, but I loved each and every moment of it.
Never have I experienced something so grand, challenging and stretching.
There's nothing like celebrating a goal the Lord caused to happen and rejoicing in the twinkling stars as you zig-zag past girls nearly out of breath.
Where the stores of energy sometimes burst from, I'll never know.
All I know is there's something within me that fills with glee at the thought of lacing up a pair of cleats, accompanied by my stinky shin guards, to hear the snapping of a ball down an open field.
I love it!

(Below are some clippings from my little sister's game this afternoon. She's a rockin' goalie and an intense field player!)
Devoted CMS soccer fans
Jess playing field during the second half...they were leading 3-1
Jessica hustling back at striker (far right)
Jessica #22 going wide for a flag pass
Jess bracing herself to recieve a pass! woot woot!
goalie girl jess stopping a warm up kick in goal
in the goal...(oopsies, looks like weizi-lou let that one by)
this goalie stuff is pretty intense, check out the fancy foot work
a pre-victory lap around the field...go jess (in rainbow)
the girls running by...people always look pretty amazing when they run
Go Vikings!
They were victorious in their match this afternooon vs. the Presque Isle white team 3-2.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

a teenage testimony

Sisters are fun.
With them, the adventures never cease.
Perhaps I could rephrase the "sister" part for those of you with brothers and say "siblings are fun. With them, the adventures never cease."

The Lord has greatly blessed me with two distinctly different sisters. They're both so different, and so very alike. I love it. I've been thinking a lot lately about my youngest sister Jess and how she just turned the big 1-3. She's no longer a pre-teen, but a teenager, through and through. Her eyes have been unveiled to the site of "cute boys" and she spends countless time prettying herself to go out of the house. Now to anyone who knows Jess, this is very strange behavior for her, because for the last few years, she's been a proud tom-boy through and through. Her thoughts of showering, smelling nice and wearing jewelry were fun, but not necessary, so long as she could still win arm wrestling matches in homeroom with the boys or kick a soccer ball and leave a mark. Jess is cute. She is loving and has a huge heart for people. As the days press on I've noticed her becoming a beautiful young lady, more and more. Showers are a must, and she's experimenting with makeup...all sorts of fun stuff.

Well most of those things I just mentioned are materialistic, and I by no means am I believing that makeup and showering make someone beautiful (they do help though), I'm just relating Jessica's character and actions in a short summary. So, this evening my little #1 goalie for CMS waltzed into the house with a giant grin on her face.Muddy from practice, clad in her rainbow jersey, I told her she should shower and get ready quickly, so I could bring her to youth group. (a surprise, because she wouldn't have been able to go, but during the course of the day, the Lord changed my heart and I decided to head into PI for the evening to catch a soccer match, ma favorite!) She looked at me and jumped up and down saying, "I prayed! I prayed! I prayed for a way to go to youth tonight and God heard me and wow, that's two prayers today! I prayed!"

This made me chuckle at her excitement and blessed to hear her little heart had been blessed by this chance to go to church tonight. She continued to tell me a story about soccer practice and a certain challenge that arose. She decided she was practically incapable, like everyone else to be successful, however, because she chose to put her hope in Christ, she prayed, for strength and the ability to perform the task at hand. She wasn't looking for glory or cheers from teammates, she just wanted to accomplish the hard task. ( a bonus was no more running at practice). Closing her eyes, she prayed, kicked the ball, turned around and waited. Screams errupted from her squawl of teamates and she turned around smiling. When her friends asked her what she was doing closing her eyes, she replied
"Praying. I knew if I prayed I could do it."

Hooray! I was so very thankful to both hear and be a part of a little girl's prayer request. Though her resquests could be considered silly or minor, I saw them as wonderful opportunities for her to see the God of wonders perform small wonders in her life, now, at this vulnerable and very influencial age, 13. I got a chance to share with her about Christ's blessings and the power of prayer. :) I loved her excitement that God had really answered her prayers, in two different circumstances. He is good. Yahweh is unfailingly good.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

a letter

At a small family gathering this afternoon, my aunt handed me an envelope. Inside this envelope was a card and within the card a letter. The letter was her prayer for me and my soon coming adventures at Bible college. This paragraph spoke life and encouragement to me:

"Trust Him, even when He only takes you one hour or one day at a time. Trust Him when He is quiet and heed Him when He speaks in the still small voice. When you are not sure of something wait. Wait as long as He will have you wait, knowing His plans for your future are good."

This passage in the my aunt's letter lit my heart with joy, reminding me of Christ's love and sovereign plan as the sweet words of Jeremiah 29:11 danced in my heart :

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. "-Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

God is unfailingly good and His promises never fail. His plans for each of us are good, with a hope and a future. Entering this season of change, I'm ready for the Lord to stretch me, break me and use me to light the world with His love, peace and joy.

May my life be an example of Your love Awesome Father. May my words, thoughts and actions speak life to a dark world. I trust Your plans Lord and I know You have planned much good, with a future and hope. I will wait on You...Use me Lord!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

birds are so weird

This morning I headed out to conquer the streets of Caribou in my running shoes, to enjoy fresh air and the sunshine. A slight chill hung in the air and within the first 2 minutes of my run I discovered my music player was out of batteries and I would be lacking tunage for the rest of my journey. My feet often take me to strange places when I run, as I often challenge myself not to take the same root over and over again. With so many side streets and directions to run in I like to explore, discover and enjoy my time outside.

For no particular reason my feet took me on a journey to Collin's Pond this morning and mid stride I stopped with a thought that I needed to sit on the little bench facing the pond. Thinking this strange, but certainly not out of the ordinary, I sat and watched the Canadian geese swimming and entertaining themselves in the water. Looking up, I felt like falling backwards and yelling "INCOMING!!!" as two herds (not sure if that's the appropriate animal term) of Canadian geese came hurdling through the air, apparently towards me, but realistically towards the pond. Flopping around like toddlers learning to walk, their bodies swayed back and forth in the air, wings flapping furiously to stay balanced during descent. I chuckled at the site of these silly birds. Never had I seen something so ridiculous. They landed in waves, water shooting up, like a dance of some sort...some of the birds got a little too confident and ahead of themselves and toppled face forward into the water, sumersaulting their way back to the surface.

This moment was absolutely priceless. I marveled at God's creation all around me as my eyes found a strange, peculiar gray bird, lonely but swift. I watched as it tip-toed it's way across a log, careful not to get completely into the water, safe behind the shelter of some cat-tails and apparently aggravated at the thousands of Canadian birds who had decided to invade his space. Too bad for him though, he was way out numbered. This too made me chuckle.

Things got better as I told the Lord how I wished I could see the geese land like that again, because I'd never seen anything quite like it. Looking away from my grumpy grey friend I found another swarm of geese pummeling their way into the pond..they must've miscalculated their landing, because they came near the water and began screaming in alarm, swooping back up and taking one more circle around the pond, landing in the opposite direction this time. To me, I'd equate the experience like that of a pilot preparing to land a small plane with a good friend in the back and as he pulls near the ground, he screams *just kidding* and takes another sweep through the sky. People on the ground would naturally wonder what in the world was going on and the followers of the pack or in this example the pilot's friend would probably scream in alarm. I'm telling you, these birds are strange.

Now, to end this rather lengthy and odd post on an even stranger note...just when I thought I'd seen it all a small bird appeared fluttering over the water and it stopped. Now when I say stop, I mean for like 5 seconds it's wings didn't move, at all. This caught my attention quickly enough to see the bird's wings flapping wildly like a blender for another 5 seconds. Then it froze and dropped towards the water. I saw a little splash, you know the kind that makes the "ploop" sound. I wondered if it had died. Much to my surprise, but suiting the days already strange theme quite perfectly, the little creature flew out of the water and began bobbing up and down. This little one reminded me of the kid at the pool party who always makes everyone excited when he runs towards the water screams *cannonball!* and knocks half the water out of the pool.

I'm thankful the Lord sat me down for a good laugh and chance to appreciate His creation today. Even though it was my strangest run ever, which eventually turned into a walk...I'd have to say it was one of my favorite.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

climbing a mountain

Just the other day I went hiking at Aroostook State Park with my sister-friend Lor and as we trampled our way up South Peak and danced down North Peak, flying over roots, and large rocks, catching air like never before, a joy and laughter built within me as the Lord revealed Himself once again all around me. As rocks were danced over and roots ignored, a song boomed within my heart. My heart desired to praise the King with and Hallelujah came to mind. "I can climb a mountain...but it's when You hold me, I start unfolding..."
Oh, to be held in His presence as we walk daily through life's trails, adventures and surprises. Oh, to delight in the Creator of all things, the great and Almighty King of Kings. Oh, to climb a mountain basking in the summer sunlight, as whisps of wind catch the side of your face, a joy bubbling within you. Every day is an adventure with the Lord as we step out and realize He is near...We can walk daily in fellowship with the King: in the grocery store, on a mountain trail, at meal time. He is near. He's everywhere!!!
"Who can hold the stars
And my weary heart?
Who can see everything?
I've fallen so hard
Sometimes I feel so far
But not beyond your reach
I could climb a mountain
Swim the ocean
Or do anything
But it's when you hold me
That I start unfolding
And all I can say is
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Whatever's in front of me
Help me to sing hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Whatever's in front of me
I'll choose to sing hallelujah
The same sun that
Rises over castles
And welcomes the day
Spills over buildings
Into the streets
Where orphans play
And only you can see the good
In broken things
You took my heart of stone
And you made it home
And set this prisoner free
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Whatever's in front of me
Help me to sing hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Whatever's in front of me
I'll choose to sing hallelujah"
-Bethany Dillon

Monday, August 21, 2006

i'm pretty sure my dad's a hero...

Sometimes I wonder how awful it must be not to have a dad around, what it must feel like everyday to not have a man who is your greatest critic, loudest cheerleader and favorite hero around. I love my dad very much, but sometimes I guess I forget to be thankful for him. With my dad having spend a year in Iraq, it gave me a lot of time to think about all that Dad does and let me tell you, he does a lot. You realize all the thankless tasks that dads do when they are gone for a little while like taking out the garbage, fixing anything and everything on your car before you even know somethings wrong, bringing powerade to every sporting even you have, and sitting through 3 hour band concerts to watch your 15 minutes of performing.

My dad may be goofy and do things that make my head spin with wonder, but still he's my dad, my biggest button pusher, and greatest hero. He might drive me crazy with spread sheets about college finances, but I'd be clueless without his help. He cooks, cleans, irons and surprises. He drives, organizes and plans, plans, plans.

As a little girl, it was a running joke in our family that although my dad loved to fix things and had a pluther of tools in his possession, that he was surely "tim the tool man taylor". One can not count the times he almost lots appendages, broke windows, visited the ER, zapped himself and almost broke himself, until one day something clicked. All around us, we explored with wonder as drybars, linen closets, storage shelfs, shingles, tire swings and steps came to life. They were sturdy and dad was unharmed. As we grew bigger dad's talents spread through computer work on graduation invitations and oil changes, flat tires and making your car shiny and brand new looking. Dad always knows what to buy and has a pretty decent job about what a problem is.

Well yesterday I got to watch daddy come to the rescue once again...after an interesting driving adventure.Dad knew how to fix the situation, once again. Thanks dad for all the little things you do that I sometimes forget to be thankful for! I love you!

*who are your heros?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

...Your promises never fail me...

It's amazing how sometimes we get so caught up in being a "Christian" that we neglect the precious treasure of being intimate with the Lord. A situation arises and instantly our minds set to work plotting out the situation and picturing the hours we'll inevitably have to spend on our knees, bawling over our opened Bibles, scribbling notes...just so He'll hear us. (That's so wrong, because every situation doesn't have to be a fight to find rest in Him. Sometimes all we must do is come.)

Last night the Lord showed me His desire to be intimate with me. He's my friend. He is mindful of me and at the very moment my heart begins to break, He surrounds me in His loving arms. "I am your friend. Sing to me," He says. We don't have to pout and pound the floor for God to hear us. He knows and when we reach for Him, He is there in an instant. He asks no questions -- He knows all the answers. He just loves and with a special kiss, He promises, He is there. "I am near. Be not afraid my child. Be patient and wait for me to act."

Now, because we serve a God who is Mighty and Awesome, we too can experience His humor. Last night I chose to make praise my victory cry and in my grief I worshiped the only One who never forgets, the only One who will never leave. As I spun around in my bedroom I glanced into the corner to see a plastic-glow star fall from my ceiling to my bed and I knew He was giving me a shooting star. I squealed with delight like a small child on Christmas and was instantly filled with the joy of the Lord. I laughed and giggled for a very long time. He's so good!

Enclosed within four dark basement walls, He still allowed me to marvel at the thought of the beautiful sky. I just knew He was telling me everything will be just fine. He's got me. Closing my eyes, He took me to a place where I was nothing short of showered in shooting stars...I can still see them now. :)

You are my joy! I rest in Thee! I love you Lord!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

family ties

I love family gatherings and this afternoon I had a great time reminiscing about my family. In a few short weeks I will be away from all I've ever known...for most of my life, the large majority of my family has only been a short journey down the road and I am blessed to see many of them atleast once a week. I could only find a few photos from our recent vacation and visit with family from bangor...there are many more members to this special clan and I love them all dearly! I know it's not Thanksgiving yet, but I am thankful for the opportunity to be surrounded with such a loving and supportive family! From cousins to aunts, uncles, grandparents, sisters and parents...I am oh so blessed.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

good-bye small group celebration @ the plourde's

Rachelle enjoying a smore fresh from the fire...
Ashley and Susan, both clearly unaware that I'm taking this photo.
Nicole, Christy & Rachelle "the traditional photo"
Stephanie and I (I'm going to miss this amazing woman of God, her family and her teachings)
Nicole getting excited about Rachelle's droopy marshmellows, one fell on the ground!
There's so much going on in this photo, I'm at a loss of words to explain it.
Miss Ballard and her cool shades
Stephanie admiring the group photo just taken
Our small group reunited! Over the years many have come and gone...but at the heart of this group have remained 6 ladies.
Ashley Corriveau transfixed with smore making.

a song for the King of kings

"You are my joy, You are my joy, You are my joy...You are my joy!!!!"

....I live to glorify Your name.
I have nothing more to say than I am so blessed to be a Daughter of the King.
I will be still and wait patiently for You to act...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, holy holy is He
Sing a new song, to Him who sits on
Heaven's mercy seat

Holy, Holy Holy, is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing, "Praise to the King of Kings!"
You are my everything and I will adore You

Clothed in rainbows of living color

Flashes of lightening rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor, strength and glory and power be
To You, the only wise King

I'm filled with wonder, awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your name

Jesus, Your name is power, breath and Living Water
Such a marvelous mystery!!!"
~Revelation Song~

" 1 O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. 2 I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. 3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! 4 I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. 5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy." -Psalm 36:1-5

Lord, you amaze me. In all of your glory and strength and power. Your unfailing love is greater than any other love. You shine on me with beams of sunshine, kissing me with a cool breeze, lifting my heart with a gentle smile...You are good Lord. "I long, yes I faint with longing for You..." "My heart is confident in You, o Lord, no wonder I can sing Your praises..." "You thrill me..." "Your grace is sufficient..." " You are all I really want in life..." " You satisfy..." "Better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere..." "You are near..." "You are my hope, and Your promise never fails me..." "You are most worthy of praise..." How great You are... :)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

oh, so blessed

I was much blessed today by testimonies of God's grace, faithfulness, hugs from dear sisters in Christ, cards & music, prayers, smiles and love. Lord thank you for phone calls, the power of prayer, loving words, giant hugs and for being mindful of me. Thank you for the body of Christ, for the Church. Thank you for singing through your children, speaking through your children and fellowshipping through your children! You are Mighty! You are Good! You amaze me...I'm captivated by You!!!! :)

I love how the Lord always proves true to His promises and hugs us with loving arms even when we're stubborn. I love His special surprises, invitations and gatherings.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

soft whispers

I'm sure to many, these are just a bunch of silly pictures of the sky...and perhaps not even great ones at that. However, to me, they are boundless opportunity, carefully planned, brilliantly painted, every swivel and whisp. Secretly constructed, selflessly shared, lovingly radiate, not even a grain of sand worth of the beauty our Creator awaits to display for us in Heaven.

This vacation is coming to a close, and perhaps my favorite part of the entire trip were the many moments, in the car, at breakfast, on the beach, riding a train, that the Lord just spoke to me...crossing many states, hundreds of miles, and diverse terrain, God was there. He never once left me, or went on vacation...He was there. He is here with me. As I begin to wind down from this adventurous and very testing/growing/challenging and unforgettable season in my life, I find God pursuing me more and more to TRUST TRUST TRUST...and because I am a daughter of the King, and because He loves me so, so, so...He knows that I need to hold His hand and take baby steps. In about a week...this season ends and in that same still moment, another begins. My sweetheart returns, to a girl who has been broken, strengthened, stretched, and forever changed.

The verse that came to my mind as I began allowing my fingers to tap tap, away was 1 Kings 19:11-12 ""Go out and stand before me on the mountain," the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper."

He is gentle, kind, comforting, and oh, so powerful.

Last night as I crawled into a bed not belonging to me, only borrowed for a short time, a whisper came, Isaiah 26... Opening the loose pages of my Bible, I read, thus coming upon another great promise: "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock."

How fitting for my Heavenly Father to promise me His peace, as all of my insides bubble with excitement at the mere thought of beholding my beloved, of jumping in his arms and being swung around, in a moment only possible by the grace of God, and my mind jumps from thought to worry, to-do-lists and plans, plans, plans. My thoughts, must be fixed on Him...after all, someone once said, "God doesn't have a lot of 'have tos'. 'Have tos' aren't freedom." He is my Rock and my firm Foundation. He is my Hope, my everlasting Prince of Peace. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and the Spirit lives in pretty much, "forget about the have to's Christy. God is in control!"

I'm thankful that my eyes have been unveiled to the the gorgeous sky, the wonder, the promise, the plans, not mine...Tis' so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word...

I rest...and dance with glee, for the joy of the Lord is my strength. He fills every need, every desire...and I shall not want. :) "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." -Romans 15:8

Be blessed my dear friends!!!