My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

soccer games and memories

When it comes to soccer...I'm game! Cleats, or bare feet...if there's a ball, a slab of grass to run on and some form of a goal, I'm ready to play. Sadly this year is the first time since 4th grade that this season of time hasn't been consumed with the stinkyness of shinguards and constant running of the washer to remove large grass and mud stains from my uniforms. Oh, to be on the soccer field again. I love the game...there's just something about being on a field, beneath the heat of lights, or a setting sun that enchants me. Something about the snapping of a ball against my cleat and the swooshing of a ball as it whaps the back of a net that sends a motivation throughout my whole body. There's something about breathing heavy and speaking in a foreign language (with a mouthguard) that is worthy of much memories and laughter. When I'm on the field, pieces of my character and personality that many people don't often get a chance to see unless they're there with me, come out. It's freeing for me. I love soccer...hence my desire to attend 3 matches over the past 4 days.
I'm greatful the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to find joy in Him so many countless times on the field.
I remember sunsets after getting scolded by coaches and how whispers of His word caused the adrenaline within me to sore.
It took me until my senior year in highschool to play the sport I love most for the glory of the Lord, but I loved each and every moment of it.
Never have I experienced something so grand, challenging and stretching.
There's nothing like celebrating a goal the Lord caused to happen and rejoicing in the twinkling stars as you zig-zag past girls nearly out of breath.
Where the stores of energy sometimes burst from, I'll never know.
All I know is there's something within me that fills with glee at the thought of lacing up a pair of cleats, accompanied by my stinky shin guards, to hear the snapping of a ball down an open field.
I love it!

(Below are some clippings from my little sister's game this afternoon. She's a rockin' goalie and an intense field player!)
Devoted CMS soccer fans
Jess playing field during the second half...they were leading 3-1
Jessica hustling back at striker (far right)
Jessica #22 going wide for a flag pass
Jess bracing herself to recieve a pass! woot woot!
goalie girl jess stopping a warm up kick in goal
in the goal...(oopsies, looks like weizi-lou let that one by)
this goalie stuff is pretty intense, check out the fancy foot work
a pre-victory lap around the field...go jess (in rainbow)
the girls running by...people always look pretty amazing when they run
Go Vikings!
They were victorious in their match this afternooon vs. the Presque Isle white team 3-2.

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