To see a child smile when you’ve hugged them, or to be pummeled over by their joyous excitement in seeing you – to hear other counselors or parents speak of how they always hear talk of you – to see the influence – the growth in their little hearts from one simple, precious ingredient – Love. I’m starting to see how every smile, silly prank, and moment spent listening with undivided attention means the world to these kids. They treasure the opportunity of saying goodbye to you, or telling you about their birthday. When you see them at the store, they remind you of how cool it was several days later.
My perception has changed somewhat – Camp Pathway is no longer just the place I’m doing my internship – or the place I am training young leaders to be good counselors – No. This place has become an endless battlefield where my only weapons are the power of the Spirit at work in and through me, His love, and my choice to depend upon and represent Christ in all I do. That’s it. No amount of treats, scolding, yelling sessions, or boring lectures will do. This is important because I have found myself bandaging more than wounded knees – there are countless little hearts bubbling over with childlike faith this world has hurt, rejected, discarded, and forgotten.
Reflecting on this, I am reminded of how Jesus told the disciples to allow the little children to come unto Him, and that we all should, following their example, approach Him with the same childlike faith – and trust. I think I finally realize, in full, that every smile, hug, wiped tear, bandaged knee, and moment spent playing silly games is one step closer to Heaven for these kids. The principle involved here is simple: I am a soldier – at war for the Kingdom. Right now, in the season, at this place, I fight for the hearts of little ones, seeking to protect them and love them so they may be led to the feet of Christ where healing, life, and the way are found. I fight for hearts – precious hearts in need of Christ’s love and purpose in them.
I am reminded of a quote my friend Adam once shared with me. The quality of this quote is important because its contents and implications have stuck with me for many years. He once told me, “Christy, the more you sweat in the training, the less you bleed in battle”. I know one thing for sure – I’ve done a whole lot of sweating in training thus far – and I know there is plenty more training to come – but when those battles come – I am finding myself more ready and better equipped to take up my cross – carrying forth the sword of the Spirit and seeing the enemy denied and demolished, both in my life and the lives of the little ones I have been chosen to care for. To God be the glory! May He continue to build ties with these precious ones and Himself.