My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Friday, June 19, 2009

becoming a jewel

I really appreciate when people take time out of their day to invest in the lives of others. I especially appreciate when I am on the receiving end of some of this “loving” and receive an e-mail, a letter, or a quick little note, just expressing that someone, somewhere for whatever reason is glad I am alive, believes in me, and mostly, loves me. Reflecting on an e-mail I received the other day from my dear sister Aisha, I feel both encouraged and blessed.

She shared something she had learned recently in a book she was reading about jewels. Perhaps I assumed, like many people, that the process for creating jewels is rather uncomplicated. Apparently, I was wrong. The process of a jewel’s creation is hard work, requiring much sifting and chipping away so it may glimmer and shine brilliantly as a true gem. This is important because all jewels begin as plain ol’ rocks. There’s nothing particularly special about them other than the fact that they need an awful lot of work done to them to work them into the jewel they were always meant to be.

Aisha shared with me that for a plain ol’ rock to become a jewel it involves a rather grueling process of being tested and lashed by the elements. It must endure winds, rains, fire, chipping away, and so much more so it may be slashed, tossed, and turned, eventually becoming a brilliant jewel! When I put this together with the sometimes grueling process of becoming more like Christ, I realize how greatly we are in need of God’s grace and how very thankful I am for His chipping away on me to become His masterpiece!

We too are like precious jewels before the King of Kings. He deserves nothing but the best, and yet He still chooses plain ol’ rocks to be tested, tried, worked on, and loved on – so He can watch as they become the brilliant jewels He created them to be – to break free of their plain ol’ rocky selves. The logic behind this whole process ties in wonderfully with where I feel I am at in this season and journey of life: internship. Concerning fire, it was 103 boiling degrees outside today – so the Lord is certainly testing me by bringing on the head. My heart too is being stretched to love in new capacities I never imagined possible before.

When I put this together with everything I am learning and enduring, I see the hope and the growth present in my life. I recognize how there is still much work to be done on me – much more tossing and turning on the jagged rocks around me and enduring the elements – so I may be stripped of my rocky self and made into the brilliant, beautiful, lively jewel the King desires me to be – that I may reflect His Majesty!

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