My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

unity in the body of Christ

For a long span of time I have felt ‘out of place’ or like an outsider. I was emotionally drained from “church hopping” for the last two and a half years. Being at school and a member of ministry teams allowed me to be exposed to a vast array of churches, but it also gave me an opportunity to analyze and to heart-critique the environments I was choosing to worship in. After a whole lot of frustration, tears, anger, attitude, and careful thought I began to develop deep in my heart a core set of truths which, when not present in a worship service, I find my heart grieved. It has been a long time since I attended a church service and saw people come forward to accept Jesus in their hearts, trusting He will change them and bring LIFE to their being.

When I was first preparing to move to Macon for my internship I began to search for churches on the internet. Despite all the hurt and frustration the organization and institution of “church” has caused me over the last few years, I still realize the great importance in being connected with the Body of Christ. This does not mean I find it necessary to be connected to a building, nor am I an advocate of rules, planned services, and structure.

While I understand the necessity of these things, within reason, I also believe in balance, and freedom. I am a huge fan of freedom, and when it comes to worshipping the Lord, I am all about freedom. My perception of worship has led me to believe that we are to worship in *Spirit* and in *Truth*. In my searches, I came across Beulahland Bible Church. After searching their website, I assumed this church may be some sort of mega church and I wasn't overly impressed nor tugged to pursue attending or discovering what the Lord may have for me there.

Yesterday I went to Beulahland Bible Church and the presence of the Holy Spirit was so sweet and thick, and welcome that I began to weep. My heart was being restored and refreshed with each breath I took. My roommate Sarah visited me for the weekend and we stood, swaying and clapping, smiling, and weeping in the presence of the Lord, as the only two white people in the building.

In a sea of beautiful black and brown I felt sense of home unlike anything I have felt at church in a very long time. This was important because the Lord began to speak healing, peace, and rest in my heart. I was emotionally overwhelmed, humbled, broken, and restored so my cup was overflowing with the sweetness of the Holy Spirit. The people in this church communicated a deep desire to meet with God, and to be united as one.

I related this to something I have been reading in my morning devotions over the last week about the church community/body of believers in Acts, who we are told were “one in mind and spirit”. When prayer time came in the service, we were instructed to take the hands of those beside us. As I looked across the church, row after row, person after person was connected to their neighbor in a beautiful display of love and honor for the Lord. We all prayed together, as a “body of believers” holding hands, and holding one another up, though we were all bent beneath different loads of craziness. This revealed true unity to my heart and showed me what it is I have been so earnestly searching for. I plan on attending this church in the future and getting involved.

I noticed the pastor’s care in delivering solid Biblical truth and was appreciative of his message. The Lord spoke through this stranger of a man, in a beautiful place of worship and openness to the Spirit to my heart; so much so, that I felt led to share a portion of the message principles with my CIT group this morning during my teaching time. The logic behind this involved the intention of solidifying what I heard yesterday in my life and heart so I may live up to a higher standard of holiness before God that points others to Him and gives Him all glory, honor, and praise. This is important because I must practice the truth I speak and teach others, in order that I may live it fully, understand it, accept it, and grow in it. God is faithful!


brad said...

This really blessed me. You have a sweet, honest spirit, and I very much enjoy your writing. Be blessed!

christy said...

Thanks so much for your encouraging words and for reading my writings. God bless!