My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


This morning I traveled to the wonderful Shiretown of Houlton, ME to watch the Bethany Bible College Corale perform @ Houlton Wesleyan Church. It was a mini-roadtrip of sorts with Lor, Taylor & Chris. We had a blast of a time. The chorale was incredible and God's anointing was heavy upon the service this morning. Following a bit of catch-up-chit-chat time after church we headed to the Blue Moose for lunch (courtesy of the boys suggestion and never ending pits of stomachs). Lor got some of the worst tasting tea ever...and I had well water...we split a choc. chip cookie and laughed quite a bit. I was most definately not hungry like the boys. After lunch we bolted back to PI for the Walk Thru The Bible Seminar.

The seminar was amazing! I loved it and throughly left having gained a better perspective and more knowlege on the Old Testament. Shaun, the speaker did an wonderful job sharing his personal stories and incorporating them with the testimony of God's word. The Old Testament was delivered in such a powerful and unforgettable way that three types of learning were practiced (visual, auditory & kinetic). God is real and His love truly endureth forever. He is persistent and a jealous God, but only because He desires nothing more then for us to lean on Him and have a relationship with Him...that's the very reason He created us, to have a relationship with Him. It just boggles my mind to even think of God's love for Israel and His chosen people and how he continually pursued them despite how they treated him, disobeyed and sinned despite his commands. They always did their own thing, yet God still went after them. There's no one like our God.

I sat by my Mom and (row of family consisting of 3 cousins, an aunt, nana and Mom) enjoying how excited Mom got about knowing how the Bible sections were labled. I was rather impressed. Here I am going to Bible College in the fall and I've never heard of some of these things and Mom's sitting next to me mumbling answers and all the while I'm going " Man I need to read this book, I really need to get to know this stuff and why on earth haven't I ever heard of this, that and the other? :)

I had amazing God time today. I praise Jesus for being my shield and defense and for conquering the enemy once again in something I have been struggling with. (deep breath) He's so good!

Aprés the seminar we headed to the Rhyno's to see if Lor was up for iceskating and with only a few short minutes remaining we decided to take the Rhyno's up on their offer to stay for a bit and enjoyed watching Home Makeover, drinking chamomille tea & coffee and chatting, having a great time of fellowship.

I am thankful for such a wonderful day in the presence of the amazing people God has placed in my life. Isn't fellowship great!?!

"LORD you are good & your mercy endureth forever..." (just sing!)


Brown-eyed Girl said...

I am glad you enjoyed the seminar..Wow I am the first comment..Imagine!! It was good to review something such as the old testament. God didnt write that for us to just dust it off once in awhile ..The good thing is that by the seminar it renews the thirst for what he has to say. I read some Ezekial (far out!!)Love ya, Mommy

Lor & Josh said...

fellowship is great and Christy is grrrrreat too! ;) happy school week before winter break. ps....are you able to come to the Rhyno house 10:30 am saturday?

christy said...

Lor- I shall try. I would like to come and I will see what my work schedule is like...I believe I have to work @ 1:00 that I shall see! Can't wait! :)

danielle- glad Ezekiel is rockin' your socks off!