My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Starlight Romance (2-6-06)

*sigh* I'm surrounded with things to do, a long list that only seems to be getting longer. I've managed to cross off a few today, but I know evening has come, and in a few short hours, my body will call it a day and fall fast asleep in complete exhaustion. My legs are screaming to move, to get refreshed, to flee from the day of tasks lying in their past. They wish to conquer the ice coated sidewalks and add mileage to their lifetime tally. Emerging from the basement, clad in my winter walking geer, I am off into the blue, brilliantly moonlit night complete with diamond stars decorating the once blank canvas of night.

I find my feet skipping and dancing across the sidewalks, bouncing to and fro down the streets wondering if the passing drivers think I'm "not all there upstairs". I soon forget my worldly surroundings and am captured by the perfect moment with my Jesus and slowly, as the words from Joy Williams song "Hide" dance throught my CD player...He begins to speak...singing really a soft, sweet, healing and acquiring song to my heart. He tells me not to fear and that I don't have to hide or face the things coming on my own. The things He has in store for my future, my near future anyways may very well contain some "potential hurts" but I need to lean on Him, trust Him, and confidently walk forward, weak as I may become, dwelling in His strength, for His purpose and by faith alone...because surely the end result will be what He has known and planned all along. The LORD has given me pieces of a future that is bright, unknown and sure to be nothing short of adventurous, demanding and fulfilling.

I was moved to silent tears as I strode down the walk and desiring not to end this moment, I turned up and down, zigzagging the streets of my neighborhood because I didn't want to walk away from this time yet, didn't yet want to slip back into the house to continue completeing my evergrowing list of tasks. Conquering a back road hill I stopped dead in my tracks trying to sort everything out. Immediately eve ry thought went silent, every question paused and my body halted in the amazing presence of the King. Had I not been standing in the middle of the street I guarantee I would've fallen to my knees, face to the sky, slowing breathing "thrill me". Standing in my place however I tilted my head back as far as my body would allow and just laughed, cheered and thanked my Jesus for His mighty power. I am so excited to see God's hand in my life, future, everything. Be blessed!

"11For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. "- Jeremiah 29:11


God Is Love said...

I LOOOVE Jeremiah good, so true! You're such a good writer! AH! :) haha. love ya Christy! God Bless n' keep you always!

Sherri Marie

Rachelle said...

This post warmed my heart so much.


See you tonight!

christy said...

Sherri- it is a terrific verse, very uplifting and encouraging. I love it. Thanks for saying I'm a good just sort've flows from me. God is very inspirational, ya know!?!?

Rachellie- Gracias mi amiga!

Debbie said...

Christy you have such a way with words! Your heart is full of God's beauty and you so verbally know how to express that. Love ya!

christy said...

Thanks Debbie! It makes me joyful to see how God writing through me impacts the people I love most! Love ya!