My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Are you satisfied?

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most propable explanation is that I was made for another world."

This quote by C.S. Lewis gives me the chills. "...I was made for another world." I am absolutely convinced that my desires which can be fulfilled by no substance on this earth can only be fulfilled by the Almighty King, Jesus. He is all satisfying.
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."

It's so easy to toss aside our real desires, our hearts deepest longings and be satisfied with the joy we find in Christ and the everyday things that make us smile, dance and find freedom. A sunset, a shooting star, the northern lights...all these things are beautiful and are perhaps some of the things that I consider to be Jesus's special kisses for me...sometimes it's in a swift breeze or a neverending forest of autumn trees...but in the stillness I know that He is there, that He created this earth to satisfy bring me joy so that He might be glorified.

Lewis wrote in The Weight of Glory
" ...We are half hearted creaturees, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

We in a sense, when we expect little of Christ and cause our hearts to believe that the small, insignificant things that bring us joy are as some would say " as good as it gets" basically saying " Alright, way to go Lord. Thank you for Your awesome blessings...I'm content in the joy You've brought me and I know You won't do more...but thanks, really, thanks." I think sometimes Christ longs for us to expect His glorious blessings - not in a sitting around, being lazy and expecting sort of way....but by pursuing Him with our entire beings...saying with our hearts "Lord, you are all satisfying and mighty. I don't deserve all you give me, but I know that you love me and I expect your joy, Lord, I will fight for your joy and rest in knowing that as I pursue you with my joy that you will be glorified." Sometimes we just allow ourselves to make mudpies of the joy God has given us when He's waiting to take us to the sea with Him. Oh that we would faint with longing to be in His presence, that 1 day in His courts would be far better than thousands elsewhere...

Friends be satisfied in Him today, joy in Christ so He may be glorified! :)

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