My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Extrodinarily out of the Ordinary

(Yesterday was a strange day, but in a neat, not so ordinary kinda way.) Here's why:

1) I saw first hand the pull of politics in the academic world at CHS
2) I saw a 7ft. tall black man (from the Harlem Rockets)
3) I tried Chai tea for the 1st time (it even had cinnamon)
4) It snowed a wet kinda snow & it's april
5) For the 1st time I lost all confidence in my abilities to evaluate an academic debate
6) Felt completely confident about my knowlege for the Physics test

All in all...enjoyable...extra-ordinary!


Rachelle said...

1) What exactly do you mean...?
2) Sweetness.
3) Chai tea ("tea chai" as my dad calls it) is simply amazing.
4) Ah, well. You do the best you can...
5) Awesome!

I missed seeing you last night (Wednesday)!!! They almost recruited me to help with youthstaff because they were so short...
Jason: "Hey. What are you doing tonight? Do you have smallgroups?"
Me: "Yeah, I do. Why?"
Jason: "Oh, haha, cause we could use you on youthstaff tonight."
Me: "Oh, that's too bad..."

I honestly do not believe that it is my calling in life to be a part of the jr. high youthstaff...

Wasn't the sky BEAUTIFUL yesterday!??! I took about 12 pictures of the amazing clouds and the sunset!
I think I'll post them on my blog later.
Okay, this comment is getting really long, so I'll end it now!

Love you!

Rachelle said...

I definitely skipped #4 by mistake.
Or maybe it was my subconscious trying to deny the fact that there is snow on the ground right now and it's still falling...

Stephanie said...

I missed you too on our small group. Love you!

Stephanie said...

I missed you too, Christy. Have a great day! Love you.

christy said...

1) what I mean is: before my eyes, I watched someone win a "senior exit" debate not based on their knowlege or composure on stage, but by the fact that their aunt is a senator...they called stumbling over her words and being clueless about the topic "passion and fiery ambition"....I called it a bunch of BOLOGNA. (literally) But I won't get fired just was very ridiculous...and #1 goes with #4...I couldn't believe I was so far off from the judging of the educators in today's school system.

christy said...

p.s- I got an A on my senior exit! Hip-Hippp-Hooray!!!!! :)

Stephanie & Rachellie- I love you both and missed you as well. Be blessed my fair ladies! (that song is in my head...)