My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

He knows...

It amazes me that our awesome King Jesus knows my name...He knows my every thought...He hears me when I call. WOW! What a Mighty God we serve!
I was driving home from PI tonight...after spending some quality time tonight walking with Chris. Let's back track for a second though...on the ride back to his house from one of our most traveled walking spots the bike path...I felt like looking at the stars. Why? They were like diamonds in the navy blue was nearly 9:00 at night and the sky's color had just become a mighty pitch black/navy color. It was breathtaking. Remembering how very much I had longed the other day to see a shooting star...I leaned my head back against the seat and gazed at the big dipper out of Chris's sunroof....all of a sudden without warning or an introduction of any sorts...a star trickled across the dipper...bright at first and dimming as it flew. A SHOOTING STAR! I was so moved I didn't even realized I'd begun crying. God blesses me with the stars. He knows the little things that touch our souls.

Now the point to me driving home from this evening of nature appreciation, shooting stars and beautiful walks is that in my car was playing my new African worship CD with Israel & New Breed live. I believe it was track #9 that came on...a woman donning a powerfully sweet voice sang about Christ knowing us and then following her chorus came the innocent voice of a small child proclaiming, "He knows my name...He knows my every thought...He sees each tear that falls...and hears me when I call..."

I pressed repeat and listened again, realizing this time that I truly am Christ's child. I wondered if when I sing to my King if He hears me as I heard that small child. I wonder if His heart is moved by our child like innocence and proclamation of His love. It's quite neat to think that we are like small children in the arms of Jesus, regardless of what our earthly age may be.

I love Jesus.
I love being Christ's child.
I love spring.
I love walking.
I love South Africa.
I love chai tea.
I love shooting stars.


Rachelle said...

You and shooting stars... ;)

christy said...

I know, I know, I know...what can I say, eh? ;)

Rachelle said...

Christy! I was watching Between The Lions just a minute ago (no, I am NOT ashamed. It's an awesome show)and the whole entire show was about shooting stars!
I, of course, instantly thought of you and smiled.:)