My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Praise the Lord for His unfailing goodness, love and grace.

I think sometimes the hardest part of being a Christian is realizing that you've let the one person you love most down...I serve a God of peace, not of guilt, so I know I am not suppost to feel guilty, and I don't, but it makes my heart sad to know how easily the enemy finds an open door and seeps in with his lies and guilttrips. *Urg*

Another tough thing about being a Christian is the constant laying down of pride and other spiritual issues before our Lord, Jesus Christ. I mess up so much sometimes...and it's not even big's little things like letting a comment slip here or there, or being silent when I should have spoken...I am amazed by the patience Christ has with me, with us all really.

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom...last night Elizabeth Rhyno spoke a word of testimony instead of singing and I praise the Lord that He bound her tongue from singing and for her obedience to speak His words of truth. One word, Discipline, made it all clear to me...sometimes I get so caught up in making sure that my relationship with Christ makes sense and that I follow all the rules...but it's not about the's about's about His love sacrifice and His daily pursuing after me. It's about His grace, His goodness....It's about walking each day with Him by my side, in freedom.

Last night I was freed from the spirit of religion...the rules were torn up, the mindset of always having to have a discipline with Christ was cast away...He loves me and He knows me name. My joy is joy for the Lord is back..oh how I missed it!

"I have a great need for Christ, I have a great Christ for my need."
-Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)


Debbie said...

Amen! And I love your Spurgeon quote... He's my favorite! That list of religious spirit stuff was tough... but the scripture in 2 Timothy 3 was even harder! The saddest thing is I knew I needed to stand yesterday for some of those things and didn't! I guess I really have some pride issues... I prayed the prayer though and repented of not standing... Elizabeth's testimony was awesome! Love ya Christy...

christy said...

it was certainly a great day...Praise the Lord!