My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

oh the wonderful Cross

Happy Resurrection Day everyone! May Jesus bless you this Easter. I know it's easy to get caught up in the eggs and bunny hunts that are the bellyaching "ate too much candy" sicknesses, the dinners, the get togethers...but take a moment please and remember the day that Love made history...the day our lives encountered a change that would bring eternity to all willing to choose Jesus.

I'm sitting here overwhelmed with the Love God has for me...He knows my name, my every thought and all of my tears are caught in the palm on His deepest longing is to be in His presence, to encounter Him from the time I wake up in the morning and to dream of Him as I rest. Across the room is the man I love, my dear cousins and one of the greatest aunts in the world. My day has been painted in laughter and rainy cold basketball. This morning I celebrated the reason I have life....the anniversary of healing in my home...2 short years ago God surrounded my heart as my parents announced their divorce....last year my father was away preparing to leave for Iraq...this year, my entire family is home...whole and home. God's love and blessings never cease!

Jesus is alive today...He is risen....He is risen indeed!!!!!!!
Rest in His grace today. Love y'all!


Debbie said...

I woke up this morning with a joy in my heart and in awe of the fact that God sent His son to earth so that one day He can spend eternity with me! That is an amazing feeling! I'm so happy to have shared this amazing day with you and your family. It was one of my best Easter celebrations in a very long time. It was fun and silly at times, but also peaceful and just plain nice! I feel so blessed... it was nice to laugh and joke and just be with people who mean so much... I love seeing your family together "physically" but also connected at the heart! Such an awesome testimony! I could ramble on and on... I love you Christy and thanks for sharing this great day with me!

Rachelle said...

My family and I watched The Chronicles of Narnia... and BOY! What a way to end Easter day!

That movie gets me every time.

I got the chills as I watched Aslan breathe on the people turned to stone...when he ran so swiftly and gracefully...when he roared the witch into silence...and when he bore it all to save,not one, but all of Narnia.

Copy & Paste this into a new internet window and read the lyrics to this song:

Love came crusading...

christy said...

Auntie Debbie, thank you and your family for spending the day with me! I loved every minute of it. :) It was a special Easter! God is good!

christy said...

Rachellie- I love the lyrics to that song...very neat. Normally I'm not a huge toby mac fan, but I listened to a clip of the song and it sounds pretty decent!

It makes me smile to hear that you spent a joyful Easter with your family and watched Narnia...*sigh* What a great movie!

Hope all went well for you @ your grams and the three random table assignments...hope you didn't have to sit with the old people and if you did I hope you were pleasantly surprised! Love ya~