My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Growing Up

I remember well looking forward to saturday mornings because Mom and Dad allowed us to wake up early and eat our bowl of fruitloops or other choice cereal while watching the morning cartoons.
I remember well the days of light up shoes and hours of barbie doll town buildings.
I remember not having to write all the things I was 'supposed to be doing' down so I wouldn't "forget" to do them.

Those days were free of Senior Exits, Softball Practices, NHS planning meetings, Gas prices, Accidents, Being in love, Anticipation of a father coming home. When I was little I played Christian Rangers and played school with my siblings/cousins. Iplayed endless hours of tag, hosted tea parties in the garage or porch....drove the little red wagon or chauffeured the crazycoup....I loved my always came home by 4:30pm.

Now...I have a debate on Monday for my Honors English Class worth 50% of my 3rd quarter english grade. GRADE!!! 3rd quarter also determines class rank and I am currently just shy of being where I need to and want to be....I am 13/121...wonderful, eh? I suppose so, but I'm not overly pleased.........gah! Softball ate up my morning, joyfully of course, I splashed around in the big puddles and got pretty muddy...I have to plan and organize for our up and coming regional convention at the end of the month...gas is going for a ridiculous amount of 2.74 per gallon, but thanks to my studious efforts I am a viking card recipient and saved a whopping 14 cents this morning...nearly 2 cents per gallon. My car was being painted and fixed all week because it's a target and every couple of months or so...someone's eyes disregard it's neonness and bright color and kahbam, they hit it with their cars and their insurance company gets to shell out a hefty price for the rare paint. I have my car back now...I love my zibby-mobile...or "the jellybean" as taylor and cale dubbed it last summer.

Sorry for the rantings...all of this has made me realize one thing...without God I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. I don't think I'd really want to if I even thought I could try to. He's my strength, guidance and provider. " God doesn't ask about our abilities or inabilities-- he asks about our availability."

I need to make myself available to Him -
Be blessed friends!

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