My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

"The Choice" @ PIWC & Hearing Prayers

Well tonight I ventured out with the Lavaway's (Chris & his parents)! We went to church and caught a show of The Choice. It was awesome! I saw some people I really love, sharing Christ with all who were watching, simply by singing and acting in a show that portrays Christ's love. :) It made my heart smile! There were so many great parts I can't quite choose my favorite. Elizabeth & Dave did amazing, P.Rick and Marsha cracked me up, Rachelle looked beautiful in green, Nicole had really shiny earrings on, P.Doug played a mean guy, Alex and Jason were soldiers at the tomb. I was just happy to be at church tonight, to feel the Holy Spirit's presence fall upon the congregation and move sweetly. I choose Jesus. I praise God for all those who chose Him tonight as well and all those who have and will be following and listening to that tug on their hearts during the shows.
My today...

God knows our every thought and need...
Today all of my stresses (i suppose one could call them that) surfaced and I had a realization...
Something was eating away at me and all I wanted more than anything was for God to give me someone to pour my heart out to...I needed to sort my thoughts.
I felt myself wishing that I was married and could drive home to my husband, fall into his comforting arms and just let everything go...but I'm not, yet anyways, because it's not there I was, driving head buzzing with a million useless tasks to do and places to be. I collapsed on my floor feeling like I could never close my eyes long enough to make it all go away. Music blared in my ears from downstairs and my brain yawned from its exhaustion. I called Chris, because I remembered I was supposed to...and then I drove to PI.
I love that God cares about the little things. Chris said one random thing to me at the house about how quiet I was being...and he opened the doorway to communication, opened his ears, his heart and his mind. He listened to me sort through my thoughts as the words spilled from my mouth and into his ears. He wrapped his arms around me when I started to cry saying he didn't care if I stained his nice blue dress shirt with my tears. He gave me arms to find comfort in and ears to hear my heart. He spoke of Jesus' love and how Jesus is in control and doens't want me worrying about things. It was encouraging, sweet and full of learning. God is good and I am thankful for the opportunity He provided for Chris and I to relate more heart to heart.

This remined me of something a dear friend once said to me about all the gifts we ever recieve, how they're actually not from those people giving them, but from God. He uses other people to comfort, encourage and love us through words, hugs, listening ears, gifts we don't deserve, and comforting arms. Although I was finding peace in the comforting words Chris spoke and warmth in his arms, it was really God's way of wrapping His arms around me and saying He loves me, He cares for me, He heard my hearts longing prayer on the dreadful car ride home earlier in the day and He provided! (Jehovah shalom. )


Rachelle said...

I skimmed through your post before I went and showered a while ago. And then I came back and read it thoroughly.

Thank you, by the way, for saying that I looked beautiful in green! ;) I had no idea you were there last night! It's near impossible trying to find people in a crowd when you're on stage with lights in your eyes...

The song "I Choose Jesus" and "Why Do You Seek The Living Among The Dead" were my two favorite songs. Especially WDYSTLATD. I felt like it was simply a worship service when those two songs came on.
I almost cried one day driving to PI listening to the cd of the songs...
Sooooooo beautiful.

This week has been a stress-filled one for me as well.
It was so "coincidental" that Monday's devo was about how praising God results in strength. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

Your two little words at the end of this post "Jehovah shalom" got me singing a song I had not sung in years...

Jehovah Shalom...Prince of Peace...
Ruler of my spirit...
Jehovah Shalom...Prince of Peace...
Ruler of my spirit...

Praise Him! Praise Him!
Magnify the Lord!
Jehovah Shalom...
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Magnifiy the Lord!
Jehovah Shalom!

AH! Christy. You're great.

christy said...

Awesome Rachelle! Praise the Lord for the songs He brings to mind to show His love for us! Those two words have clung to my mind since Chris whispered them to me and said "God wants you to be at peace." I love that God passed things from one to another to another to another. He loves us so much....we truly are blessed!