My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Forever God is faithful...
Forever God is strong...
Forever God is with us...
Forever and ever and ever...

If there's one thing for sure, the Lord's promises always hold true.
I read a passage on a friend's blog the other day (Danielle Flewelling) quoting her brother (Gabe) saying something to the effect of "if you question something there's only a chance of,it's not doubt, but if you question a promise, that is doubt."

I stand on the promises of the Almighty, Jesus Christ this evening, remembering how great he is, that forever he is faithful, strong and with me. He is not man that he should lie. His grace is sufficient. He will provide! Oooooh I am so excited to see God moving and working and changing the lives of my loved ones around me and my own life. Ooohh to be more like Jesus. Freedom from in who I am in Christ...deep deep down...I feel a deep longing to just offer praise for His faithful promises. Though I may not see the fruits of these promises just yet, they'll come and oh...what a celebration and joyous time it will be when the Lord's timing allows for my life to be blessed by his grace and promises. EEeeeehhHH!!!

forever satan is useless...
forever he is pitifully weak...
forever he will burn in fire...
forever, and ever...forever.

The love of the Lord endures! satan has no claim over our lives, our thoughts or our hearts.
Forever God is faithful...
Forever God is strong...
Forever God is with us...
Forever, and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!


Rachelle said...

Your song about satan made me chuckle. :)

I missed seeing you last night...
I take it there was practice, eh?

Hopefully I'll see you tonight for a little bit! :)

Debbie said...

Christy, hope you have a great time at Camp Skiktehawk! I'll miss getting a "Christy hug" this weekend... Love ya...

Rachelle said...

Oh man! I totally forgot you were going away this weekend! Aw! I'll miss you at church! Almost all my buddies will be gone...


I hope Pam is going! :)

Have a great time, love you!

christy said...

I'll miss you both Debbie and Rachellie..see you sometime soon...when the Lord allows for it to happen. I have a Softball game on Wednesday the 24th @ 7:00pm vs. PI...might be a good time to see me...(I'll be on 3rd base!)