My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Who IS this young woman? Who AM I? IS my life really valued? Does God really think I'm beautiful?
At times I've questioned my self -worth...value...personality...desirablility.
Do people value my company? Do they really WANT to be around me?
Am I a joyful young woman who's love for Jesus REALLY shines even in the darkest of times?
Sunday morning...I found myself.
All of these questions I've let boggle my minds for months, years, practically my entire life...
were answered.
Jealously, bitterness, fearing of man and at times anger.
Where were these things coming from and why wouldn't they go away?
I needed to open up...and let God KILL the ROOT of evil that had clenched desperately to my heart.
I feel more free than I have ever felt...
I'm not worried about the summer...
I know God is going to prove his promises true.
I feel secure in who I am in Christ & as ashamed as I might have been to say this at any other time...I need to be open...I don't want "No Tresspassing" signs in my life.
I feel joyful, loved, beautiful and full of Christ's water of life.
It becomes so easy to toss aside those little hidden trick ourselves into thinkining we've dealt with them.
We close them away in a drawer and when the going gets tough or something triggers an *emotion*, we go to that drawer and clothe outselves in it.
Well I praise the Lord that the garmet, the root of insecurity of who I am in Christ has been ripped to shreds and burned with the allsufficient grace of God. I can claim and have a deep knowing of who I am in Christ.
I've always known...but my heart has lacked that deep knowing.
I am Christy Lynn Zbylut and Jesus loves me.
I am a Daughter of the King and live because of His grace.
I am me.
I am worth it.
I am desired.
I am...beautiful.

God's creation is marvelous and wonderful...when our eyes are opened to His beauty we notice little spring flowers in front of the house. I didn't even realize I had pretty flowers like this in my yard! What a blessing!

A beautiful day, painted and displayed, perfectly by Him.

"Those who trust in the Lord as as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever. Just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds and protects his people , both now and forever." -Psalm 125:1-2 NLT


Rachelle said...

You are such a beautiful friend.

Debbie said...

Great Words Christy! I love the scripture... one of my favorites...

christy said...

Thanks Debbie! I love this verse because it sounds so powerful...the Lord protects us. I forget that sometimes, but we are secure in Him! :)