My feet to go. My heart to love. Mine eyes to see and know. My ears to hear. My hands to serve. My life to Thee I owe. Your Word O God, write upon my heart, My mouth, may it always speak - the Truth about Your Love and Power - that all may see and know. All of me devoted to His call - Romanced by the greatest Lover of all.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

a thought on sisters

Thinking about it, I spent a large part of my day with my beloved sisters in Christ, many of them.

The morning began in a small circle at church with some of my fellow ladies from Shiktehawk and P. Scott. We shared and joyed in the Lord together. It was a great time to reconnect and reflect upon what the Lord's been at work doing.

Oh how I have missed Rachelle...I have not seen her in about 3 weeks, but the Lord provided an opportunity to connect for a few minutes and just say hello. Pam and I had a conversation that made me laugh and joy in the resoration the Lord has brought to our relationship that is now a friendship. Then...came Lor. My spirit jumped for joy when I saw her! It was such a joy to worship next to my sister in Christ. Praise the Lord for his goodness! He is good. I got an auntie debbie hug. I also got to see Kristin and we talked about missing my man and our excitement for the summer.

As silly as it may sound to some, when I don't see my "sisters" for a long while, I feel something is lacking. The Lord uses us to build one another up and to spur each other on in Christ. When we wake each morning we have a choice to speak life or death upon those we encounter throughout the day. Perhaps one of the things I love most is speaking life with my beautiful sist ers. Oh I can't wait until the day I get my white stallion and can ride as a warrior for Christ in His army...the day I will worship beside my sisters& brothers in Christ with the angels and Jesus himself. :)


Rachelle said...

I'm glad I read your blog before I commented on what you said on mine.

Oh how I have missed you.

It seems that the past few months have been so.... "full" of everything that we haven't been able to spend much quality time together.
I find that rather sad.

I am soooooooo glad that you're going to be able to come to my party! The ride down should be such an amazing "sister time".

Man, Christy. You're graduating in, what? 14 days??? That's going to be crazy! What a great birthday gift to see my dear friend & sister graduate... :)

Love you.

Debbie said...

I was so happy to get that hug! :) You're such a special person Christy... I love you lots!

christy said...

Rachelle...this summer will be a great opporunity to connect. I will need your support, friendship and God given wisdom and encouragement. If you get a chance, could you share any details of your birthday celebration with me? Like the when, who what and ect.??? haha Love you dear sister!

Love you too auntie debbie!

Lor & Josh said...

you're an incredible woman and a wonderful sister to have Christy. My spirit leap to see you too because of how profoundly the Lord possesses your life and how that overflows into all of us you touch each day and because I love worshipping beside you too! I pray today is blessed for you. Not much longer til prom and Chris and good times with your Darcy. Hang on, Christy. God will show Himself faithful to you both in this!

christy said...

Thank you Lor..I needed those words of encouragement today!